When Depression Hits (pt. 2)

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The next morning, or later that same morning, Valt went to training. He told Chris about Shu coming the next day and that he would be spending time with him instead of training.

"How long is he staying?"

Chris asked. Not that it mattered. They didn't have any big tournaments coming up any time soon either. Most of the teams were on break.

"A week."

Valt answered.

"Well, I'm gonna announce this to the team and let them know that Shu Kurenai isn't here to battle anyone and that you two are not to be bothered. I think you need this personal time with your boyfriend."

Chris assured the blunette.

"Thanks, Chris."

They headed to the gym and Valt walked over to the lineup against the bleachers and stood next to Rantaro.

"You didn't eat this morning."

Rantaro whispered to Valt.

"Not hungry."

Rantaro rolled his eyes as Chris began to speak.

"Okay, team, today we're going to be starting our downtime. You've all worked very hard and trained hard recently and have earned it."

"All of us except for Valt."

Stan interrupted, giving a snarky grin. Valt's face turned red with embarrassment, but before tears could come to his eyes, Rantaro said something.

"Can you shut up, Hamburg! Why do you gotta bully Valt, huh? He's just as good as anyone else here!"

Valt was surprised at the outburst.

"That's definitely not true."

Django chimed in.

"You can shut your mouth too! You're just Stan's pet!"


Trad yelled.

"Continue, Chris."

"Thank you. Now, we will be having a visitor arriving tomorrow. It's Shu Kurenai."

Everyone began to murmur amongst themselves, wanting to battle him.

"No one is to ask for a battle with him!"

Chris emphasized as eveybody awed.

"He is here to spend time with Valt. Not beyblade."

"And to see me!"

Rantaro blurts out, making Valt let out a quick laugh.

"Okay, and Rantaro."

Chris says as a scoff is heard from Stan.

"Why would someone as amazing as Shu Kurenai come here just to hang out with you two dweebs?"

Stan asked, being a shit head like always.

"Because he's our best friend from back home and Valt's boyfriend!"

Rantaro replied.

"Yikes. What bet did he lose?"

"Alright, I've about had enough of your bullying, Stan. Do you not realize the consequences of bullying others? Keep it up, and you're off BC Sol."

Chris threatened, silencing him.

"That's a tad harsh, don't ya think, Chris?"

Trad spoke up.

"Explain to be how it's harsh to not have a team member that intentionally brings down the spirits of their teammates."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2023 ⏰

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