Hair Stylist Valt

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Valt and Shu were chilling out in their living room, laying on the chase of the couch. The boys were watching a live Beyblade Tournament. Valt was getting bored and restless and began picking at Shu's now longer hair.

"How can you stand your hair being so long, Shu? Especially in the summer?"

The bluenette asked as he played with his boyfriend's hair.

"I don't know. I guess I just know how to manage it, but it is worse in the summer. But, having white hair also helps a bit as far as keeping heat off me."

"Have you ever tried putting it up? Like, with a hair tie?"

Shu shook his head no. With that, Valt climbed behind the white haired boy and started putting Shu's hair up and a pony tail.

"Look at me."

Valt demanded.

"Aww, it looks cute on you, baby!"

"Who said you could play with my hair?"

Shu said jokingly.

"Who said I needed permission?"

Valt joked back, smirking. Shu used his camera on his phone to look at his hair, and he agreed with Valt. It did look good on him.

"I wanna try something else."

Valt said to Shu, taking his hair down. Valt ran to the bathroom and grabbed Shu's brush off the counter and went back to the living room with Shu. He brushed through his boyfriend's white hair, getting tangles out. Once he was done, he started braiding the back of his hair. Valt used to let his little sister put braids in his hair when they were younger, so he knew how to braid a bit.

"Okay, go look in the bathroom mirror."

Valt said, following Shu to see his reaction. Shu grabbed the hand mirror and turned his back to the wall mirror, seeing his boyfriend's braid work.

"Shit... Doesn't look bad at all, love!"

Shu told his boy.

"Leave it in all night. When you undo it in the morning, your hair will be a bit curly."

Valt said, giving his cheeky smile that Shu has always loved.
Shu woke up at 10:35AM, needing to use the bathroom. He got in there and looked in the mirror, remembering that Valt braided part of his hair the night before, and also remembered what Valt said about undoing it the next day. He pulled out the hair tie that was holding the braid in place, and set it on the counter. He took his fingers and brushed through his snow white hair, un braiding it. His hair became wavy where it was braided.
"Morning, Shu."

Valt said, walking out of their room and rubbed his eyes. He walked over to Shu who was sitting on the couch in the living room.

"Morning, love."

Shu replied. Valt's eyes adjusted as he saw how Shu's hair turned out.

"Aww. Your hair looks good like that, baby."

The bluenette crawled on top of his albino partner, pushing his hair out of the way of his scar, kissing it. Both boys blushed a light shade of red.

"I like how it turned out too, babe."

Sorry for the ending. Kinda shitty but I'm tired lmao. Feel free to send me requests for more Shalt. I'll even do a bit of smut if I feel like it.

~Shalt One Shots~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora