If you catch my griffon

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Episode: Griffon the brush off.

We open on Twilight and Y/n reading their favorite book, Romeo and Hoofliet, while Pinkie was rambling on about something about Rainbow dash

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We open on Twilight and Y/n reading their favorite book, Romeo and Hoofliet, while Pinkie was rambling on about something about Rainbow dash.

Pinkie Pie: Hoof-biting action overload! She was like a stunt superstar, flying higher and higher, and then Rainbow Dash swooped down—swoosh—and right before she hit the ground—shoom, she pulled up—vrrrmmm!

Twilight Sparkle: Uh-huh.

Pinkie Pie: And then she looped around and around like whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo!

Y/n:(Thoughts) She's been talking like this for 3 hours -_-

She fell to the ground in her excited state, hooves up high. All the while Twilight could only do the two things she cared about most: Reading and being with Y/n.

Speaking off, while he did care about Pinkie and listing to the sugar loving pink horse speak, she was just speaking at such fast speeds it was really hard to keep up.

Twilight Sparkle: Uh-huh.

As Pinkie continued to lay on the ground, she saw the rainbow haired pony flying through the sky.

Pinkie Pie: Rainbow Dash!

The party lover chases Rainbow Dash  who continues and fails to get away from Pinkie Pie. This inevitably led to the Pegasus hitting the side of a mountain and sliding down it in a pained state.

Y/n: Should we go help Rainbow ?

Twilight: Nah, it's Rainbow Dash. She flew at you at practically re entery levels of speeds remember ?

Y/n: Yeah, now where were we ? "Oh, Romeo, Romeo. Wherefore art thou, Romeo" Hoofliet said into the night.

(Never read the book or the poem or saw the movie so.....¯\_(ツ)_/¯)

Twilight Sparkle: (Thoughts) I don't know about your's Hoofliet, but mine's right here........


We open on Y/n drinking himself a cup of coffee watching over Ponyville as he does so. He's been tired and restless since agreeing to help the girls with certain chores.

While he did enjoy their presence, Y/n was always tired when he gets back home.

However it's 12:00 and nobody has arrived at his front door to ask for help, so maybe he was free today.


Oh goddamn it.

Y/n opened  the door to see Pinkie Pie much to his surprise. Ponies couldn't exactly get up to his tree considering they don't have wings or magic.

Applejack is able to get his attention by kicking the tree hard enough but Pinkie...... he doesn't know, he normally just sees her after entering Ponyville.

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