Meet the girls part 2

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(Still Prior to Friendship is magic part 1)

Y/n walks past a series of ponies staring at him and whispering about how "the guardian is back."

Being the anti-social shut in he was, Y/n still tried to hide away with the hoodie Ka tore off him. The snake rolled her eyes at her roommate.

Ka: Come on, Y/n. You've already met two hot Ponies, surely you couldn't have such shy demeanor after that.

Y/n merely raised his left eyebrow in confusion.

Y/n: Hot ? Pinkie and Applejack weren't on fire were they ? Besides it's not even warm today.

The female snake slapped her head and had to remind herself that Y/n never had actual parents or friends to teach him about stuff like crushes, puberty or sex hormones.

Ka had tried to explain it to the poor Alicorn but she knew her sarcastic and sexual demeanor would instead make it worse and have Y/n fearful of having sex.

Despite enjoying sexual intercourse and constantly have male snakes over to Y/n's home (Or bed if he was out fishing for Salmon) , Ka found sex to be a beautiful thing which must be shared with the ones they romantically love.

Ka never found her love and found it pointless considering that she is pushing 20 in snake years. Most snakes were found unattractive by then and she was basically a one night stand girl.

She didn't want Y/n to see love as she did and so didn't bother teaching him that stuff.

Ka: You know what Y/n, it's alright we don't need to talk about that. However we do need to get some new clothes for you.

Y/n: What ? why ? my clothes are just fine and if it's about how unclean my clothes are I just washed them last tuesday.

Ka: yeah, for the first time ever. You're going to get those new clothes. C'mon there's a place I know where we can get some new clothes.

The Alicorn sighed as he followed his slithering partner to what looked like a giant castle filled with glass windows and a spiraling tower complete with a flag on top.

Y/n: Good grief is this a clothes shop or a fucking second castle for Princess Celestia ?

The two entered as Ka was absolutely love struck by the fancy clothing in her view. Thousands of beautiful dresses layered with diamonds and pears.

She jumped in the air like a child entering a candy shop and slithered to one of the dresses.

The snake was oogling over the dresses and inspected each one she saw enticing. Y/n was especially impressed.

Despite not being into clothes so much, he could tell whoever was making such beautiful dresses and suits were the best in the business.

He continued to walk around to see any hoodies or jackets he could buy but only saw suits and other fancy clothes for men.

He then noticed what looked to be a unicorn working on a blue dress, using her magic to sew.

The unicorn was actually the most beautiful Y/n has ever seen. She had long eyelashes, her blue mane and tail that seemed to spiral and her coat was a light pink hue with her cutie mark being a trio of diamonds.

Y/n flushed at the sight of this majestic and beautiful mare whose beauty challenged that of Princess Celestia.

Y/n flushed at the sight of this majestic and beautiful mare whose beauty challenged that of Princess Celestia

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