The moon is beautiful tonight (Very short)

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We open on where we last left off with Y/n and Luna confronting each other.

But it's not going to be like their fight at the ballroom. Tonight they were allies hoping to kindle a form of friendship between each other.

The only problem was that the two were so introverted and socially inexperienced that the two could only brush away their hair like two highschoolers asking each other to dance.

Y/n at the very least has talked with the Applejack family along with his friends and Luna has attempted to speak with the butlers and other servants of the castle.

However this was different.

The two have been sworn enemies for so long that they didn't know how to interact without trash talking to each other and fighting each other on sight.

Luna and Y/n have tried to think of something to talk about but every time one of them opened their mouths, they instantly shut up.

Y/n finally had enough and said something to ease the conversation.

Y/n: So........ the moon huh ?

Luna: Uh, y-yes, what about it ?

Y/n: Well it's beautiful tonight isn't it ?

The dark moon princess's eyes widened and she turned away with a red face. Y/n immediately noticed and raised his hoof in concern.

Y/n: Uh, is something wrong ? Did I say something to upset you ?

Luna: Well, Ahem, in the draconequus species's tongue, the phrase "the moon is beautiful tonight" is a way to show love in their species. In other words.....

The demon Alicorn's eyes widened and he put his hooves on his face in embarrassment.

Y/n: I just said I love you in draconequus, didn't I ?

Luna: Y-yes, you did.

This,here, kids is the moment where things got even more awkward. What was mere minutes felt like years to the introverts.

Luna: (Thoughts) For fucks sake, me, say something and stop looking like idiots!

Y/n: (Thoughts) I just said I loved her, dear lord, I am a goddamn moron.

Just as they were about to go insane from the awkwardness a waiter came up to them with 15 martini glasses.

Waiter: Would Madamoiselle and Monsuier like a drink tonight ?

Y/n and Luna: Absolutely.

They both used their magic horns to grab the drinks almost instantly as the unicorn Waiter walks away from them.

The two part from their drinks as they've never tasted such good alcohol mainly because Luna preffers drinking tea and Y/n sticks to coffee.

Hell it could rival Applejack's legendary apple cider for that matter.

And it gave Y/n and Luna the confidence to start talking to each other. They found that they had a lot in common.

Both were incredibly introverted, enjoyed reading, has/had a love-hate relationship with an extrovert.

(Y/n with Ka and Luna with Celestia.)

However they soon found their cider glasses to be empty and that all they were sipping were air.

Y/n: You know, we can continue our chat at the bar. Maybe get some more martini's till the bartender quits his job ?

Luna: (Giggles) Yes, that would be lovely.

The two made their way to the bartender, ready to start the chaos.

What can only be described next is a montage of the two introverts drinking out of every glass that the bartender gave to them.

The two drunk down down their drinks in seconds as empty glasses flew into the bartender's face as they drank.

All the while they would let out a sing song voice that would yell out "Waiter" each time they did so.

In already one set of martini's the two were drunk.

Luna: (Drunk) You know Y/n, before tonight, I hated your guts. Li-Like I just wa-Wa-wanted to pull them right out and-and strangle you with them.

Y/n: (Drunk) Hmmm, kinky~

The moon princess giggled into her hoof and was blushing up a storm.

Luna: (Giggles) You sly,sly,sly,sly,sly, pony. 

Meanwhile the waiter could only deadpan as he could hear the two Alicorn giggle and tease each other drunkily.

Waiter:  ce stupide barman doit être viré pour avoir rendu les boissons trop alcoolisées pour les Alicorns (Translations: that stupid bartender has got to be fired for making the drinks too alcoholic for the Alicorns)

We then cut to a drunk ass Luna and Y/n being held by the shoulder of the conductor as Y/n had stolen the baton and made the band play off base as Luna spoke into a megaphone she stole.

Luna: (Drunk AF) Hello, Ladies and Gentleponies out there. This song goes out to my two bestest friends in the whole world. This hottie of a stallion named Y/n and this weird peanut guy. And while I do want to fuck Y/n's brains out, I do I want to sing this song. It goes a little something like......

Y/n and Luna: (Singsong) Waiiiiiiiiitooooooooor!

The two finally collapse due to their drunkenness as Celestia and the mane 6 slapped their hooves onto their faces.

Pinkie Pie walked up to an undrunken glass of the Alicorn's martini and decided to take a sip.

Almost instantly, her eyes dilated into tiny pupils and she even let out a loud, horse like bray that nearly shook the room

The pink, party planning, pony starts to jump and down from wall to wall with speeds of an missile until she landed into Luna, Y/n and the conductor.

And, you guessed it, yelled out.....


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