Season 1: Episodes 4, 5, & 6

10 1 0

Episode 4 shows the first use of reused dances, so those will not be rated again since they were recently competed, but when I get to the later seasons where Kenzie competes Cry or the season 7 cast does Where Have All The Children Gone?, I will rate those. Also, for episode 5, where the girls are doing their annual recital, I will only include the dances where the girls were in them.

House Of Love - 9/10

Brooke, Chloe, Katherine, Maddie, Nick, & Paige

Pretty much the only reason it wasn't a 10/10 was because it was unaired... It was really cute...

007 - 8/10

Chloe, Kennedy, Maddie, Nia, & Paige

It was very age appropriate. I didn't like the music though and it was unaired...

Break Me - 10/10


I will be the first to say it... I don't like Brooke's dancing. It's not because of her, it's because she does the same thing over and over and over again and it gets boring. However, I like the song and the costume.

Mother - 7/10


I don't like the music and there was a lot of drama around Christi and Maddie's solos. Also, Christi looked like she was going to start growling every time the camera cut to her during this dance...

Kids Dance Pop/Mouse Trap - 1/10


Kenzie either gets the best or the worst music and costumes...

A Capella - 6/10


It was a great dance and costume, but I didn't like the music and there was a alot of drama surrounding Maddie's solos this week.

You Do - 6/10


The music and costume weren't terrible, but they weren't great. Also, she forgot part of it, but she was able to recover.

Gemini/Double Take - 4/10


On the show, she forgot it and ran off the stage (which I don't blame her for, I would do the same thing). The costume wasn't amazing, specifically the bow in her hair... I don't know why, but I didn't like it.

Bumblebee - 5/10


The costume and music were iffy, but I loved her hair and little smile. She fell during the dance though.

Sugar Daddies - 7/10

Brooke, Chloe, Maddie, Nia, & Paige

The props, drama, and music were horrible. However, I liked the costumes and the girls played the prop mishap really well.

That Girl's Just Gotta Be Kissed - 2/10

Cathy, Christi, Jesse, John, Kelly, & Melissa

It was a hot mess. The costumes were bad, the music was awful, and Cathy was the worst. However, I have to give it to the other moms. They were caught off guard and still managed to make it through the dance.

Somewhere Over The Rainbow - 10/10


The better version of Cry.

Kissed A Boy - 8/10

The Hot Shots (Includes: Mackenzie & Nia)

It was really cute. The costumes and props were adorable.

My Boyfriend's Back - 11/10

Kennedy Trent, Kylie Edwards, & Nia Frazier

It was adorable. Nia was in the middle and was absolutely stunning.

Waka Waka/Waka Waka Wow! - 5/10


You Do's older cousin. It was pretty much the same, but with better music.

Miracle Worker/Helen Keller & Anne Sullivan - 12/10

Brittany Pent & Maddie Ziegler

It was precious and so sweet!

Boys Boys Boys - 6/10


The better version of Double Take.

Pull Of The Moon - 7/10


It's pretty much the same thing as Break Me... I like Brooke, but she gets the same choreography for every dance.

Ma, He's Making Eyes At Me - 12/10


She's so precious! This is probably one of my favorite Chloe dances ever.

Bombay Dreams/Love Is In The Air - 8/10

The Elites (Includes: Brooke)

Brooke was in the middle and it was the most diverse I have ever seen her dance. The costumes were beautiful and the music wasn't awful.

Color Of Love - 7/10

The Senior Company (Includes: Brooke)

Watching this just makes me wonder why Abby didn't have Brooke dance with the senior company more often.

Where Have All The Children Gone? - 9/10

Brooke, Chloe, Mackenzie, Maddie, Nia, Paige, & Vivi-Anne

Brooke was an amazing lead for this dance, but I feel like the rest of the girls were a little young to dance this. However, it's one of my favorite.

Like A Supermodel - 3/10


The costume drama... Cathy should have just let her wear it for the 1 dance. She slipped. And she gets the same thing over and over again.

Parles Moi - 10/10


She looked like she was having fun and she was adorable. I'm a Francophile, so I love anything and everything french.

Beautiful - 4/10


The costume was pretty and she was stunning, but it was so boring and she gets the same singers over and over again, so the music gets repetitive.

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