Titanic (Elizabeth's POV)

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I'm Elizabeth, I am a 16 year old girl from England. I have long brown beach wavy hair just like my sister Jane. I have blue eyes, she has green eyes. Our parents are wealthy, well our mum, Freda Monroe is, our dad up and left when we were 8 years old.

Being in 1st class has always been customary for us, though we do have all of our riches, I'll never be as happy as those I see with less than me. Walking through the different decks I notice how different we are all treated based on our wealth status. The lower class passengers are being treated horribly and yet they still all have genuine smiles on their faces. And the 1st class passengers are being treated like royalty, and yet I've never seen a smile on any of their faces.

Walking through the narrow hallway, doors on either side, on my way to the top deck with Jane we notice some people standing like a cross, right at the bow of the ship. A 1st class passenger and a lower class passenger. I see the old man, a lower class passenger sitting on the viewing seats at the front of the ship. Ocean blue, shining eyes, his face speckled with grey hairs, crinkled skin, a cigarette hanging from his mouth. Watching the ocean with a small but content, happy smile.
The first class passenger, a woman staring at the man with a crinkled scowl on her face staring at him as if he was beneath her. Her eyes harsh, wrinkled dull skin covered in heavy makeup, she looks stiff and uncomfortable in her tight lace up corset. Watching the happy lower class gentleman with an irritated scowl, she seems unable to feel happiness.

Laughing at dinner with my mother and sister, the sound of cutlery hitting the fine china fills the air. The glasses clinking against each other, the sound of dinner music playing in the background, all the conversations about their wealth, the smell of expensive and luxurious food, we are having smoked salmon and green salads. Wearing our beautiful but heavy dresses, our insanely tight corsets make us feel like we can't breathe. We are adorned with white pearls, our long, dark brown hair in a curled updo; makeup looking flawless.

Sitting in our luxurious room, silk linens, velvet curtains, weirdly uncomfortable couches, and armchairs drinking aged red wine in our beautiful room where we've been in for the past 4 days, talking about what we're going to do when we get to America "I want to go shopping" my sister jane says "we'll do it all together, me, you and mother"

Walking around in the crisp, chilly night with my mother and Jane laughing and talking about all the snobby women on the ship. Slightly drunk. Stumbling around slightly giggling like a child, face flushed pink from the alcohol, getting a little bit drowsy.

Back in our room, we hear the alarm going off, Wondering what was going on, we left our room, we see people putting on the lifejackets rather panicked we followed in suit, a quite panicked man coming down the corridor yelling about the ship is going to sink.
Chaos. All I hear are screams. We are pushing our legs as fast as we can through the heavy ice cold water, out of breath. The corridor is full of panicking people 1st class, middle class, and lower class, running as fast as we can, people everywhere are pushing each other.
Running up the steps Mother and I got pushed back behind a brass and iron gate that me, Mother and Jane were previously standing behind, "Jane, JANE WHERE ARE YOU" I can't find Jane. I start panicking seeing as I can't find Jane.

We got stuck behind the gate, we're running and running, I don't know where I'm going, panic coursing through my veins, adrenaline pushing me forward trying to find a way out, I go through another brass gate and realise I've lost my mother, I go back through all the panicking and running men, women and children trying to find her that's when I see it

Her lifeless body bleeding out in the water, multiple bleeding gunshot wounds to her chest, struggling to get to her, People pushing me back tell me to run and get to the lifeboats. That's when I heard the gunshots. My fight or flight kicked in and I ran as fast as my legs would allow me, with a lot of struggling I somehow made it to the top deck after pushing through multiple people "JANE ARE YOU UP HERE" I see her clambering up to the top deck, i watch as she collapses on the ground, sprinting as fast as I could, I make it to Jane, giving her the most bone crushing hug ever, I start bawling my eyes out.

10 years later...
The feeling of the warm sand under our toes, both sets of our kids and our husbands sitting in a circle listening to our past on the Titanic, the sun setting in the distance. In loving memory of Freda Monroe.

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