Stamp of Approval

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I stand on pins and needles, shifting one foot to the other as my gaze remains fixed on the door, awaiting Malini.

What is taking her so long?

"What do you plan to accomplish by staring? A fire perhaps?" Surya drawls coming up in white button-downs and black slacks.

I spared him a glance still eying the door, "More like a sacrificial fire to throw you in."

"Awww do you wanna eat me?" he coos and I ignore him.

Where is she?

A frown mars my face and I start pacing as my patience wanes. Anxiety creeps up on my neck as I stress over what she has decided.

And Surya keeps smiling like sunshine is streaming from my ears and angels are singing a choir when there is nothing but dried grass and freezing air.

"Stop smiling like a toothpaste commercial poster." I snap at him.

His good mood grates on my nerves.

"I got laid." He grins dreamily.

Dear God, help me! "One more word and I will throttle - "

My words trail off and my heart stops entirely for a few seconds as Malini glides down the stairs as graceful as a peacock with dancing jhumkas adorning her lobes and fresh jasmine flowers flowing over her nape like a silver waterfall on her inky black hair.

And the best part is the glittering lavender half-saree she wears like the regal princess she is.

My chest feels tight with a sigh and I bite my knuckle, grinning.

She wore it!

With the little chal-chal sounds of her anklet, she walks past me and my eyes close in enchantment as the scent of peaches and jasmine wafts over me.

Gosh, there is something about traditional wear that makes a girl glow, ensnaring the viewer without a bait, making them have hearts in their eyes.

My theory is proven true as Surya hangs on Nila's every step like a school boy with a crush on his class teacher as my sister stuns him in a rose-colored half-saree.

She walks away not even glancing at Surya and he follows her with a pout like a wounded puppy.

Malini rolls her eyes and I bite back a grin.

We share a look and she sneaks me a small smile, the one that's equal parts bashful and teasing.

I pinch my thumb and forefinger extending the other three fingers in a sign of splendid and pink tints on her cheek.

Surya clears his throat but I ignore him., not taking my eyes off Malini, who ducks her head with a smile, rushing behind Nila who is starting her Vespa.

Surya clears his throat rather loudly pulling me close when I pay him no heed, "If you don't avert your gaze, he might burn you with his eyes."

"Huh?" Baffled, I follow his gaze to find Kumar uncle straight on staring at me as the sound of Nila's Vespa echoes.

Oh shit!

He stares at me from the distance, wisdom from experience shining behind those sage eyes. But before I could decipher what that meant, Sujitha aunty ushers him into the car where Mom and Dad were already seated.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and Surya whistled low, "Well, that was intense."

You have no idea.

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