Come and get it

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I am glaring at my sweet sister, averting my gaze from Malini's inquiring ones.

I get it she means good, but it would be a lot better if she stopped behaving like a matchmaking aunty.

She couldn't be any more obvious and I can deal with my stuff perfectly well.

Everything has been going so well so far and Malini is warming up to me. So, help me God if Nila ruins it with her instigation.

But the most surprising thing happened.

Malini turned to me and placed her soft hands over mine on the table. "Would you like to go?"

Thud thud thud.

I can hear my own heartbeat. Am I dreaming?

Never once has she approached me voluntarily or initiated a conversation.

She was very enthusiastic with kisses, even if she refused to admit it, which I want a repeat, of course. Multiple repeats. A loop would be sufficient for a time.

But it has always been me who coaxed her into conversation or company. But now? Like what happened?

"Nithees?" she prompts me with a small smile.

I sprint into action before she changes her mind. I grabbed her hand and stood like yeah let's get outta here.

She laughs and follows along standing next to me. "I'll take that as a yes."

She turns to Surya and jabs a finger at him, "You are paying the bill for the stunt you pulled back there."

He bares his teeth. Malini and Surya sometimes make me forget they are not blood-related siblings with the way they act.

I let them to their devices and focus on Nila.

She gestures to me angrily, pointing to Malini See, everything worked out.

I gesture back, I don't care, Zip it.

Before she comes back with a threatening retort, Malini tugs me gesturing to the door, "Shall we?"

I have never been happier to comply, I smile and nod my head.

She bites her lip smiling, she does that a lot. I want to do that to her.

She took my hand and guided me out of the restaurant amidst odd looks from patrons. That's the thing you gotta understand, being led by your girl doesn't make you any less of a man.

And you bet I had a goofy grin on my face as I followed her.


The Coaker's Walk is not so crowded, as expected, since we arrived there closer to sunset.

At any other time, you can see a lot of people taking a casual stroll. But this is nice, intimate.

I always loved riding my bike but it was not as pleasant as the drive here as she placed her hand on my shoulder, which is now gripping my hand firmly as we take a walk, enjoying the rolling hills of Kodaikanal.

You can see the fog descending and I am sure within an hour or so, even the visibility would be difficult. I believe we would leave in an hour's time, or else the cold would be unbearable.

Malini seems... happy. She bounces on her step as she swings our joined hands with each step.

"You seem happy" I state.

I wait for her to say something but looks at me sideways and gives a playful smile. "Is there a question in that?"

I chuckle under my breath. "May I know the reason why you are so elated?"

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