Speaking of her. "So? What do you think? Is that a good speechless or a bad one?"

Ursa sees herself smiling genuinely. "A good one. I feel pretty."

"Well, you are," Lonnie says, while pulling Ursa's hair back. "You're gorgeous, as always. This style just makes you pop more," she pops the Ps in 'pop'.

"It's just a shame the make-up would get washed off when we swim."

"I told you, all this is waterproof."

They hear a knock at their door.

Lonnie squeals. "That must be him!" She says as she drags Ursa toward the door.

"Lonnie! He might think I was the one who squealed!"

"He wouldn't have heard it, the walls and doors are thick here."

Lonnie then opens the door and pushes her to stand in front of Ben. And he looks handsome, more so than usual, Ursa thinks. He's wearing a deep blue, long-sleeved polo that makes his physique pop out more. He has one hand holding his varsity jacket over his shoulder, and on top of that body built from Tourney and Fencing is a pretty face, bright eyes, and a kind smile, which grows, if that's even possible, after seeing Ursa.

"Hey, Ben." Ursa can't help but smile back at him.

Seconds pass without anyone talking.

"...Ben?" Ursa says.

He takes a deep breath and resolutely says, "For the first time, I understand what 'beautiful' truly means.

"And, uh, I hope you're okay with bikes, with your dress."

"Uhhh, yeah, I think bikes are cool." Ursa looks down and checks the length of her dress. "Don't worry about my dress, I'm sure it'll be fine."

"In any case, we can do this." He goes to hug her (she could smell his perfume, and he smells good), but then ties the sleeves of the jacket around her waist. "Just to be sure you're covered. And hey, it matches your outfit."

Ursa is blushing from what she thought was (and what felt like) a hug. She's glad blushing isn't noticeable on her dark skin.

"Are you ready to go?" Ben asks her.

"Yeah, let me just get my purse." Ursa turns around just to have Lonnie hand her purse over.

"Thank you. Bye, Lonnie," Ursa says as she walks next to Ben, turning to wave at Lonnie.

"Take care of her, Ben. If you hurt her, I will hunt you down." Lonnie says, with a glint of mischief in her eyes and a dash of gravity in her smile.

Ben just laughs. "I won't hurt her, I promise. Bye, Lonnie, it was nice to see you."

✧༝┉˚❋ ❋˚┉༝✧

She does like bikes. She thinks the people who ride them are cool. So Ben riding it just adds to his list of qualities that she likes. Not to mention she gets to hold him in her arms.

When they get to their destination, he even helps her get off the bike and smiles at her.

He and his smile make her heart feel all fluttery inside. All her efforts to push down her feelings are failing right now. She is feeling the full force of it.

They're walking down a forest when they pass a bush of small white roses. Ben leans down to pluck one out of the bush.

"These are roses that grow without thorns. These ones are actually named after Cinderella." He leans to put the plucked flower behind her ear, caressing her hair.

Tears Fall Into The Sea | Ben Florian BeastWhere stories live. Discover now