Chapter 3

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"Come on, Ursa, get out of your bed!"  Uma is shaking Ursa's shoulders softly.

"Yeah, lass, it's time to wake-up," an accented voice says.

Ursa whines, "I don't want to. I have no motivation at all to get up.

"We can just accept that it's one of those days."

"I'll give you the best portions of my food," Gil says.

"Or, we can go swimming after our classes," Uma says.

Ursa lights up. "...Fine," she says.

"Now, get up, little fishy." Harry grabs her arms and pulls her up.

Ursa can't help but giggle. The others exchange warm smiles, shining with fondness for their 'Little Fishy.'

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If she keeps her eyes closed, she could pretend it's her sister trying to wake her up.

"Come on, Ursa, wake up."

But their voices are just too different.

Ursa opens her eyes and sees a warm smile directed at her.

"There we go," Lonnie says with fondness, considering that they just met yesterday. "I would have let you sleep in, but if I didn't wake you now, you might have been late for your classes."

"...Thank you."

"Now, come on, get ready, and I can walk you to your first class." Lonnie bounds away to her closet. "There's your class list and a map of Auradon Prep on top of your classes to help you assimilate."

Ursa misses the Sea Three already. While they didn't go to the same school (Ursa went to Dragon Hall for the Orchestra class and the Fall Concert every year, while the rest of the Lost Revenge goes to Serpent Prep), they would always be there to grace her morning the moment she wakes up.

She stands up from her bed and gets ready.

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"If someone hands you a crying baby, do you, A, curse it? B, lock it in a tower? C, give it a bottle? Or D, carve out its heart? Yes, Ursa?"

The VKs are having their Remedial Goodness class with Fairy Godmother.

"C. Give it a bottle."

"Correct. Again."

"Of course, the crybaby-goody-two-shoes gets it right," Mal says to Evie, who elbows her yet again. "What? Who's going to protect her now that Shrimpy or her crew are not with her?"

Carlos ignores Mal and says appreciatively to Ursa, "You are on fire, Ursa!"

"Carlos!" Mal scolds him. Ursa turns to Carlos and smiles shyly in thanks. He returns the shy, but warm, smile.

"Just cut it out, Mal," Evie tries to convince her.

Mal continues bitterly, "It's easy, just pick the option that doesn't sound like any fun."

"Or you choose the option that makes the most sense, the one that makes you sound like a decent human being?" Ursa retaliates.

Anyone who knew Ursa knows that she's nice and softhearted. The only reason no one other than Mal messes with her is because every kid except Mal is afraid of Uma and her crew retaliating. This protection was strengthened after her attempt.

A timid-looking girl goes down the aisle to Fairy Godmother.

"Hello, dear one," Fairy Godmother says to her.

Tears Fall Into The Sea | Ben Florian BeastWhere stories live. Discover now