Chapter 2

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The Isle of the Lost doesn't have suicide survivors. No one who loved them ever stopped them. Except for Ursa. She had Uma, and, later on, the pirate crew. So whenever Ursa went out, people would look at her wrists, looking for her scars. Mal and her crew aren't exceptions in that.

Ursa just picks off sweets from the selection.

Mal presses a button on a remote and the divider opens.

"Look!" Evie points to the front.

"It's a trap!" Carlos screams. Mal, Evie, Carlos, and Jay crowd together and cower. Ursa just stays still and wonders, 'Is this my time to die?' She isn't afraid of death anymore after she has spent time wishing for it so fervently.

But, as it turns out, a golden bridge appears.

"It must be magic," Carlos marvels.

"Hey, did this little button just open up the magic barrier?" Mal taps the remote on the surface to get the driver's attention.

"No, this one opens the magic barrier. That one opens my garage. And this button..." The driver presses a button that closes the divider.

"Okay. Nasty. I like that guy." Mal turns away from the driver and smirks to herself. Then, she finally notices Ursa again. She opens her mouth to say something, but Evie elbows her and shakes her head no.

As if Ursa can't see her too. She turns to look out the window, occasionally getting sweets.

✧༝┉˚*❋ ❋*˚┉༝✧

Once Ursa steps out of the limousine, she looks around her, inwardly reveling at the blue skies above her, the greenery around her, and the band playing in front of her. She zones out the fighting of the boys and rubs the scar on her wrist.

"Welcome to Auradon prep. I'm Fairy Godmother, headmistress." Wait, this is important. Ursa zones back in.

"The Fairy Godmother? As in 'Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo'?" Mal asks her.

"Bibbidi-bobbidi. You know it!" Fairy Godmother says.

"Yeah, I always wondered what it felt like for Cinderella when you just appeared, out of nowhere, with that sparkly wand and warm smile and that sparkly wand."

That's the second time she mentioned the 'sparkly wand'. What does she want to do with that wand?

Fairy Godmother takes Ursa out of her mind when she says, "That was a long time ago. And as I always say, 'Don't focus on the past or you'll miss the future.'"

The people behind her step forward. "It's so good to finally meet you all. I'm Ben."

"Prince Benjamin. Soon to be king," the girl pridefully says.

"You had me at prince. My mom's a queen, which makes me a princess." Says Evie, but the girl replies, "The evil queen has no royal status here, and neither do you."

"This is Audrey," Ben says.

"Princess Audrey, his girlfriend. Right, Bennyboo?" Ursa feels bad for Ben.

"Ben and Audrey are going to show you all around, and I'll see you tomorrow. The doors of wisdom are never shut. But the library hours are from 8:00 to 11:00. And as you may have heard, I have a little thing about curfews," Fairy Godmother rambles. She walks away with the band following behind her.

"It is so, so, so good to finally me-meet you all." Ben goes down the line of VKs to offer each of them a handshake. "This is a momentous occasion, and one that I hope will go down in history... Is that chocolate? As the day our two peoples began to heal." While shaking Ursa's hand, he glances down at her wrist and frowns. He then looks at her with sad eyes.

Tears Fall Into The Sea | Ben Florian BeastWhere stories live. Discover now