Chapter 15 - The Right Arm

Start from the beginning

Until we drove to the top of a hill, and as we passed the peak, we saw it.

The Right Arm.

Not much compared to what I expected. Just a collection of tents and vehicles and a large amount of people milling around. But the relief still hit deep into my soul. I wouldn't say happiness because although we were here, I couldn't help thinking about what it took. The car stopped. The car behind us carrying the other half of the group stopped too.

Harriet and the random driver opened their doors and jumped out. We followed suit and felt the fresh mountain air hit our noses, unfamiliar to our skin. We all stood in disbelief as we stared at the camp. We were actually here.

I gave Newt a sideways glance. He smiled at me and I returned the favour.


I need to tell him. I need to pull him aside later and do it. Today.

"Come on guys, follow me," Harriet called while starting to head down the hill, "They've been planning this for over a year now, this is all for us," She explained.

"You guys are lucky you found us when you did. We're moving out at first light," Sonya added.

"Where's Vince?" Harriet asked a man passing by.

"Somewhere over there I think," He responded while pointing to the far side of the camp before walking away.

"Who's Vince?" I asked the girls.

"He's the guy who decides if you get to stay," Harriet answered over her shoulder smiling warmly at me. 

"I thought the Right Arm was supposed to be an army?" Minho asked.

"Yeah, we were," A voice echoed from further away. We stopped in our tracks and turned our bodies to see a man emerging from a tent. Wispy light brown hair on his head and chin. A dark brown leather jacket and a gun slung over his shoulder. A sharp nose and resting scowl.

"This is all that's left of us," he said before stopping at the front of our group, "Lot of good people died getting us this far... who are they?" Vince asked Harriet.

"They're Immunes," She answered, "Caught 'em coming up the mountain..."

"Did you check 'em?" Vince asked bluntly.

"I know this guy Aris, I trust him,"

"Well, I don't, check 'em,"

I heard a wheezing behind me, and as I spun to see what it was, Brenda collapsed into Frypan's arms.

"Brenda!" Jorge and Fry hollered at the same time as the older man knelt beside her and tried to wake her. Frypan placed her carefully on the ground as I came up to her side and checked her pulse.

She woke up with a gasp and Jorge scooped her up into his arms.

"Brenda, talk to me!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," She wheezed in between gasps for air. I put my hand on her chest and felt the rapid heartbeat.

"What's going on with her?" Vince asked me calmly while squatting beside Jorge,

"I don't know," I answered while feeling her forehead on the back of my palm. She was burning up. Wait. Blocked airways. Rapid heart rate. Fever. I knew these symptoms. Because I had seen them before. On Winston.

Oh no.

At the same time I realized this, Vince pulled up Brenda's pant leg slightly to reveal... a bite mark. Black and veiny.

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