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giana's pov


The night preceding the Austrian Grand Prix, I received a call from Lando. He seemed stressed and overwhelmed. When I asked him why he was feeling such way, he just briefly explained that he had some problems with Crystal.

It seemed like he was in a very talkative mood because we stayed on the line until I heard faint snores from the other end. I was glad that he got some days to come back home and rest after Austria because it felt like he really needed them.

Currently, I was doing some last minute shopping at the market. Lando was supposed to arrive today. I had offered to pick him at the airport in Nice but he said he was okay getting picked up by a cab. Therefore, I was planning to cook one of his favorite meals in hopes of helping him feel better.

I was picking out some tomatoes when my phone started ringing. Not checking the caller ID, I answered. "Hello?"

"Hey Gi, are you home?"

"Oh hey Lan! No, I'm out right now, why?" It was nice to hear his voice, even if it was over the phone.

"Don't kill me but I lost my keys. I can't find them anywhere so I can't go in."

He should be thankful he's talking to me over the phone or I probably would've strangled him. "Lando, this is the fourth time"

"I know, I'm sorry." He apologized.

I sighed out. "It's fine, I'll be there soon. I should revoke your key privileges"

I heard him laugh over the phone. Although I was partially mad, hearing him laugh made me smile a bit. After how he frustrated he sounded over the phone the other day, it was good to hear him in a better mood.

The only thing that bothered me about Lan losing his keys is that we would have to change the doorknob again. Whenever he lost his keys, I always got paranoid someone creepy would find them and break into the apartment. The possibilities of that happening were low but still, there was always a chance.

After hanging up, I finished up buying the stuff before heading home. Struggling a bit with the quantity of grocery bags, I made my way up on the elevator. Stepping off it, I saw Lando sitting on the floor at the end of the hallway, across our door.

As soon as he saw me, he was immediately standing up and heading in my direction. Once he was right in front of me, he removed all the bags from my hands and placed them on the carpeted ground next to us.

"Not on the floor-" I started to protest but it was cut short as I felt Lando wrap his arms around my lower waist in a hug.

Remaining silent, I just wrapped my arms around his shoulders; placing my hand on the back of his head as I stroked his soft curls in comfort.

"You okay?" I said after a moment.

"Now I am."

I felt my heart warm. "What's this for?" I teased.

"Just missed you." He mumbled out.

"I was going to surprise you with some food, but you arrived early."

He leaned back from the hug to look at me. His gaze landed on mine as he gave me a soft smile. "I could hide out in my room and pretend to be surprised once it's ready."

With a slight head shake, I laughed. "Nope. You're helping me cook now."

"I knew I should've told the driver to take the long way home." He remarked, picking up all the bags from the ground.

"I could carry my own bags you know" I said as we walked down the hall.

"In all our years of knowing each other, have I ever let you carry a single bag" He said as we stopped in front of the door.

With a small grin, I shook my head.

"Exactly" He retorted smugly.

Once I unlocked the door, he headed inside first. Although he was starting to protest about it, I still grabbed his suitcases following after him.

As we entered our apartment, I left his bags by the door as I took steps towards the kitchen counters. Starting to put away the groceries, I heard Lando say something.

"You're in luck this week."

"And why's that?"

"You have me home some extra days"

"What's so lucky about that?" A grin overtook my features.

He feigned offense, clutching at his chest. "Ouch"

It was then I took notice that he was starting to help me put stuff away. "Lando, go unpack your things. I was just kidding about you helping out."

"I know. I don't mind helping you out though." He said nonchalantly.

"It's okay. I don't want to see those suitcases by the door for the next two weeks." Packing and unpacking his suitcases was something he would avoid doing at all costs.

"I'll do it as soon as we're done here."

I looked up at him sternly "Lando."

"Fine." He groaned out before he trudged towards his bags. "Oh, almost forgot." I then heard him mumble absentmindedly to himself, not bothering to look at him as I continued to put away some of the groceries in the cupboards.

That's why it caught me by surprise when Lando snaked his hand around my lower back as he leaned in to place a kiss on the side of my head. Giving the side of my waist a gentle squeeze, he then removed his arm. Without another single word, he just left the kitchen towards his room, hauling his bags with him.

Humming to myself, I continued to unpack the rest of the things.

This place finally felt like home again.


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