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giana's pov


After having finished speaking with Arthur on the phone, I sat for another 30 minutes in the car. I allowed the silence to completely envelop me as a million different thoughts ran through my head.

We had promised we would speak in person just to talk better. I was somehow dreading it. Talking in person would make this more real.

Never once did it cross my mind that he would break up with me. It feels like we just got together. How was I meant to even explain that we broke up? What was I going to say? That my boyfriend, well ex-boyfriend, broke up with me because my best friend is apparently in love with me and I apparently love him back.

Everyone always talked about him having feelings for me, a part of me was beginning to believe it might actually be true.

No, I felt crazy even thinking that. This was getting to my head too much.

After checking my eyes weren't too swollen, I managed to get out of the car and head towards the elevator. Arriving at the apartment front door, I silently prayed that Lando was not home or was at least occupied. No matter how hard I would try to hide it, he could tell straight away if I had been crying and I didn't feel like crying again by telling him about the breakup.

Entering the apartment, I let out a sigh when I heard some footsteps in the hallway. Mentally preparing myself for the conversation I would have with him, I placed my purse and keys on the table by the entrance.

Walking into the view of the kitchen, my body completely froze when I realized who was standing in front of the counter. It felt like I had gotten punched in the stomach as I let out an audible gasp.

"What are you doing here?"

"Hi, long time no see." Crystal said with a sly smirk ignoring my question.

"Where's Lando?" I looked between her and the hall, fully expecting him to come walking out of his room. This felt like it wasn't even happening right now. My mind was in a haze trying to process all of the different emotions at once.

Could this day possibly get any more worse? That was probably a bad question to ask because it most likely was going to get worse.

"He's out for a run. Don't worry, he'll be back soon." She said nonchalantly.

"He brings you over?" I asked bluntly, completely dumbfounded. He had promised me he wouldn't.

Crystal looked at me like I was stupid. "I mean, duh. You think I get in here on my own?" She let out a small chuckle. "Normally I leave before you get here but I think it's time that you find out. Girls have got to support each other you know? Lando shouldn't be lying to you"

A wave of nausea overcame me as I took a deep breath trying to calm myself down.

"You must be pretty jealous to not want him to bring another girl home." Crystal suddenly said.

My eyes widened at her snarky remark. "Jealous?!"

"You like Lando and that's what you've always had issues with me dating him." She let out in a triumphant tone as if she had solved a puzzle.

Pinching the bridge of my nose I shook my head. "You think that's why I have issues with you?"

She shrugged her shoulders.

"You recorded and sold an audio of Lando and I. You exploited a personal, vulnerable moment for your own selfish needs. I don't trust you around our home, that's why I never wanted him to bring you here." I told her incredulously.

"I would never do such a thing." She gasped dramatically, making it obvious she was faking her words.

"You know damn well you did."

She then smirked at me as she leaned back against the counter. "I just saw an opportunity and I took it. It's life sweetie. It's never fair."

"Something that always made me wonder was what he ever saw in you, but hey, you both enjoy lying to people. You probably are meant for each other." My tone repulsive as I started to take steps towards the door.

"Lando knows by the way."

Now what did she want to ruin my peace and sanity with. "What are you talking about?"

"He knows it was me behind the audio but he didn't care. He forgave me."

Both my stomach and heart felt like they dropped to the floor. It felt like I didn't even know him anymore. He brings over the one person he knew I felt uncomfortable around. Honestly, anything he did, failed to surprise me anymore. It wouldn't be the first time he lied to me.

I didn't want to stick around anymore for him to lie to me any longer.

"You both make me sick. Perfect fucking pair of backstabbers." The tears finally fell from my eyes as I walked to the door and grabbed my purse, slamming the door behind me.

Going back to my car, I frustratedly realized I left my car keys back at the apartment. There was zero chance I would go back for them.

I was feeling too much and I just wanted it to stop for a second. Everything needed to pause for just one moment. The lump in my throat had only gotten worse. Wiping the stray tears, I went to the lobby of the apartment complex and requested a taxi.

Rummaging through my purse, I found a pair of glasses which I graciously thanked God for as I placed them over my eyes. The last thing I needed was a mess in the media.

Waiting quietly for a cab, I sat on a bench wondering how the hell did I manage to find myself in this bad of a situation.


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