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giana's pov


I hate how quick I'm able to feel sick. There's a minor change in the weather and all of a sudden my body wants to act like I'm dying.

Arthur's over stressing. It's cute how much he cares and how attentive he was being. But this man was so stubborn. He didn't believe me when I said I would be fine without any medicine. I'm usually okay by the next day regardless of whether I take medicine or not.

He was over panicking though, thinking that I was far more sick than I really was.

The biggest thing that was annoying me was not getting to enjoy my last day in Spielberg. I had to fly back home tomorrow and I was really looking forward to getting more time around the area. My body however, wanted to stay inside and do nothing.

These past few days had been amazing. Spending time with Arthur, just getting to relax has been wonderful. I was dreading having to leave.

Thinking about Arthur, however, made me realize that he had been gone for a while now. He told me that had left to talk to Charles but he didn't specify when and for what...


carlos' pov


Lando and I had went out to grab some food in one of the local restaurants. Upon returning to the hotel, we ran into Charles and Arthur in the lounge. Arthur looked stressed as he talked to Charles. As we got closer to them, we were able to hear what Arthur was frantically saying. He was very worried, concern all over his face. "I don't know what to do. She refuses to take any medicine."

It didn't take much to figure out who he was referring to.

"Giana?" I asked to confirm to which he nodded in response.

Next to me, Lando immediately piqued up with interest. Still wanting to know more, I questioned Arthur. "Does she have a fever? Food poisoning?"

Lando looked intently at Arthur, eager for a response.

"Her body aches and her throat is a bit sore. She's got a massive headache as well. But no fever, I already checked."

The answer seemed to relax Lando a bit as he spoke to Arthur. "Oh, that's not too bad. Don't give her medicine, just lots of spearmint tea and warm foods. That's all she needs"

"Tea and warm foods aren't exactly going to do miracles" Arthur retorted.

"If she doesn't have a fever, she'll be fine without any medication. It's most likely just the change of weather. Giana will be fine by tomorrow."

"How do you know it's not anything worse?"

"Because, Giana gets sick days all the time. She'll be feeling horrible but then the next day she's perfectly okay. I know her better than you do, I know what I'm talking about."

Arthur was angry, stepping closer towards Lando as he spoke agressively. "This is exactly what I was telling Giana earlier. You always take it too far."

Lando rolled his eyes. "I have no idea what you're talking about. You're making this a bigger deal than it is."

Charles and I kept turning our heads as the two argued back and forth. We made eye contact when we realized Arthur was stepping closer to Lando. The same thing was going through our minds: these two are going to really get into it if we don't stop them.

Charles attempted to ease the tension. "Let's first go find her something to eat and go from there."

Arthur completely ignored Charles, continuing to take jabs at Lando. "Just because you've known her for a while doesn't mean you're 100% correct about everything that's going on with her."

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