Part 2

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The group was looking around, being guided by Romano, who had some interesting anecdotes, such as:

"I one saw a book being thrown from this window and hit the gardener outside"

"You have no idea how many people have snuck commoners in from this room"

"I caught too many people having sex in here" The room in question was another livingroom, by the way.

They walked around definitely not learning the planimetry of this place, until: "Hey dude, what's in there?" America pointed at a small door in the corner of a room. "Nothing burger bastard. Now let's go".

Italy noticed that Romano had seemed more snappy than his normal self, but he figured that it was best not to say anything.

They returned to their starting point, probably more confused that before, and sat back down.

"And now? Do we start reading?" Japan asked. Most people in the room nodded, so Italy picked the book back up.

"Vee~ Dear diary, I belive in things higher than God: my family, my friends. And beer. I belive in beer. -Prussia"

Everyone was snickering, including Japan and Romano who seemed to have a little smile on their faces.

"Well of course. I love mein bruder and my friends, but beer is the best"

"Nyet, I think vodka"

"Non, it's clearly wine"

"Dude, what about whiskey-"


"Raise your hand for wine"

Italy and Romano

"WHISKEY" England and Canada, tho the latter went almost unnoticed.

"I like Nihonshu" Everyone looked at Japan confused.

"Dude- what's that-?"

"It's called Sake in English. Its made with rice, water koji, and yeast. And it's fermented. Like beer or wine"


Italy turned the page and looked over the next entry and smiled "Dear diary, today we all played monopoly together. It was really fun but I think America and China took it a little to seriously. -Italy"

"Well yea dude, why shouldn't I?"

"Because it's a game, America"


"Vee~ I think it's better if I continue, no?" Italy asked Germany, who simply patted his head, resulting in a smile from the smaller of the two.

"Dear diary, America-san asked me to say 'election' and 'whole' today, and burst out laughing when l did so. I don't understand what's so funny. I'm quite confused. -Japan"

"It's cause of your accent dude, you make it sound like something else"

Japan thought about it for a moment and then turned red. This was followed by America laughing and putting an arm over his friend's shoulder.

When America finally stopped, Italy started reading again "When he's around the other Eastern European countries, particularly his sisters, Russia shows his childish side more and occasionally throws fits when he doesn't get what he wants"

The nation in question blushed, hid his face in his scarf and muttered "No I don't". No one believed him of course, and this was supported by Prussia saying "I've seen him throw fits a few times, it was quite amusing". This caused Russia to sink in his seat.

"Dear diary, I've warned America so many times about my country's geese, and finally he's paying the consequences of not listening to me. HA! Idiot. -Canada".

And awkward silence fell, broken by America of course "You guys remember Canadia, right?" He glared at everyone in the room.

The other nations seemed uncomfortable, exept Canada obviously, and France, who remembered his son like he were the most important thing in his life (He is U.U💅).

"DUDES! MY LIL' BRO! THE ONE THAT'S SITTING RIGHT THERE" He largely and obnoxiously motioned twoards Canada, and only then everyone seemed to notice.

Canada looked at brother "It's ok, America, I'm used to it-".

"No it's not" He pouted and sank in his seat. Canada sighed.

656 words.

These chapters are gonna get longer really-

Dec. 5th 2023

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