She just had to go ahead and wear shorts...

I could easily tear them apart and ask her to sit on it.

But I promised.

I pull away and she lets me.

"Good boy" she soothes, as if she can feel my restraint.

She walks away and I watch her ass as she walks.

She puts the plates down and I sit opposite her, pouring her favourite drink.

She holds out her hands and I take them and then she prays over our food.

We let go of each other and start eating.

She compliments my cooking, making me blush and I continue eating with a happy grin on my face.

After a couple of beats of comfortable silence, she speaks up.

"Where d'you want to go in our first official date as a couple?" She asks.

I look at her seriously.

"We're not dating" I tell her.

She raises a surprised eyebrow and she looks directly at me.

"No?" She asks.

Under the coldness of her tone, I can hear the hurt immediately and my heart hits my throat.

"No baby, that's not what I meant." I explain, taking her hand.

She doesn't hold me back.

"You're my baby. You will be forever if I have anything to do with it. But I want to ask you properly." I tell her.

She visibly brightens up.

"I have plans, baby. And I intend to stick to them" I say softly.

She nods, not wanting to show me that she's happy and we go back to eating.

Before long, we ease back into comfort and we clear up the dishes and I take out the pie, leaving it to cool off.

I start making a whipped cream topping for the pie and Nova sits across from me on the island table, watching as I whisk the sugar and double cream together, adding nutmeg and vanilla extract.

"Where'd you learn to cook like that?" She asks.

I shrug.

"My mother's best friend from church when I was a kid was a Jamaican lady called Donna." I say fondly.

"Auntie Donna was the only person my mother would leave me with after school and between her, my mother and Juanita's mother, I had no choice but to learn how to cook" I say, chuckling at the memories of all of them throwing shoes, wooden spoons and random kitchen appliances at me during thanksgiving.

She smiles at me.

"When do I get to meet Emiko and  Juanita?" She asks and I nearly drop my whisk.

The truth is, they've both been wanting to meet Nova for months now...

But I've always declined. 

Nova isn't my issue at all.

It's them!

They can't filter themselves for shit.

Especially Emiko.

I cringe remembering the last time I showed them a girl.

Emiko laughed her out the door and Juanita just ignored her every time she spoke.

I was apologising to her for a week!

In the end she was no good but still!

"I'll think about it" I murmur.

"Wanna try it?" I ask, changing the  subject and holding up a spoon with topping on it.

Nova stands up and walks around the counter, looking up at me.

"Ah~" she says, opening her mouth.

She looks straight into my eyes as I feed her and she licks the spoon clean.

My heart thumps out of my chest.

She's killing me.

"Wasn't food play on our list?" I ask, dropping my tone.

She smiles and grabs the spoon off of me, moving past me.

"Mhm. But that will have to wait" she says, dropping the spoon into the sink.

"Dessert. Focus" she says.

"I am focused. I just want something different for dessert" I say with a shrug.

She laughs aloud.

"Focus" she goads.

I roll my eyes and face my front.

Before I realise it, Nova is gripping my jaw and I'm looking at her.


"Is that an attitude?" She asks.

The blood rushes down immediately.

"No ma'am" I say immediately.

I don't think I'd be able to take it if she decided to up the heat.

"That's my good boy" she says.

She pinched my bottom lip and leaves me alone.

"Come watch tv with me when you're ready" she says.

I watch as she grabs a bottle of wine and two glasses.

I sigh out heavily.

A month and a half left until my match.

A month and a half left until I let her absolutely destroy me and I slut her out in turn.

A month and a half until Nova is my girlfriend.

Dedicated to my auntie Donna

Rest in power to my darling auntie Don Don. I lost you during the lockdown and it's only now I can say your name without tearing up.

You were never my blood but you always had me in mind.

I'll love you always bub ❤️

- Nassy

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~ NJNJ14.

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