26. reason of his scratches

Start from the beginning

"Shhh...what happened baby" ruhaan asked caressing her hairs

"You....said...I'm....your...princess.....but...you...lied" she said between his hiccups

Ruhaan looked at sitara,who was giggling

"No baby,you're my princess and you'll be my princess for lifetime" ruhaan said and kissed her crown


"Come here with me" sitara said and pulled her on her lap

She wiped her tears and kissed her on cheek

"I promise,you'll be always his princess and now mine too" sitara said and pinched her nose

"Promise" she asked pouting

"Awww yes pakka promise" sitara said and kissed her forehead "what's your name btw" she asked

"Pari" she said and sitara's expressions changed into bit shock and amusement, she looked at ruhaan who was looking at her smiling "but ruh bhaiya calls me angel" she added smiling,tear slipped from sitara's eyes

"Angle,now go and get your gifts from Mariya aunty" ruhaan said and she ran being excited

"What happned tara" ruhaan asked wiping her tears

"Nothing" she said looking down

"I know it must be emotional for you,but belive me she is sunshine in my life. You know I forget my every pain after seeing her one smile,she has some magic. She is actually angle in my life" ruhaan said with affection

"And you know,she once said ruh bhaiya please come to me whenever you feel alone" ruhaan said and chuckled looking at happy little pari "you won't belive,she loves playing with my buttons,and I told her thousand times to cut her nails,but she never listens to me. And in result I I get scratches on my chest" ruhaan said and shook his head

Sitara's heart started beating fast. The memories of that night when ruhaan came back home drunk, whatever he said in hangover, her doubts everything came infront of her. Her hands started shivering. Ruhaan noticed she was looking at him in shock

"Hey,what happened tara,are you alright" he asked in worry

"I'm sorry ruhaan" saying this she burst into tears in his arms

Ruhaan was confused now. He was caressing her back to console her,but her tears were Rolling down continuously

"Shhh.sshhh nothing has happened, please don't cry tara. I'm getting worried now" he said in worry

"No ruhaan, I'm so bad. I doubted on you" she said between her cry

"Doubt...bad.. what are you saying tara" ruhaan asked being confused

"Ruhaann...you...you...remember..." she was out of breath now

"Shh....first drink this " ruhaan said and gave her bottle of water. She drank

"Now please be calm,and say" ruhaan said caressing her hand

"Do you remember that night,you came back drunk" she asked with fear in her eyes

"Yes I do,what about that night" he asked calmly

"You were so high that night,and you were kept talking about HER, you didn't mentioned anyone,but you were keep saying her" she said looking down

"Okay,so" ruhaan asked calmly in concern

"You said,she has some magic. You spend your half Night with her,I saw that...scratches...on..your..chest..and.." she was not stopped

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