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~ First of all I'm very sorry for not posting anything from ast few days. I was busy in marriage function.

~Just after all those functions I fall sick. I was feeling very weak, my voice is totally gone, I don't feel like doing anything because of illness.

~ I write this chapter in my illness so may be this chapter will not fullfill your acceptation. But I give you all my best in this chapter. So, I hope you all like it.

:) Your vote and comments are motivation to me so don't forget to vote, comments, share and follow..



In previous chapter we saw that Niyati fall sick because not taking proper meal. So, Advik make a decision to live with her from now on and his family is very happy with his decision.


Advik was still sleeping and Niyati was just wake up.

She slowly opened her eyes and found her in Advik's Warm embrace. She notice how he is out of blanket. She adjusted the blanket.

She smiled and start looking at him with lovely eyes. Not controlling anymore she kissed on his cheek and jaw.

Resting her chain on his chest she start rubbing his undone beard and said in low voice.

Niyati- I love you.

Suddenly Advik hummed and said Me too. Niyati widened her eyes but then she notice that he was replying her in his sleep.

He pulled her closer to his chest and again slept. She start caressing his hairs so he can continue his sleep.

It's 10 in the morning but the couple is still sleeping. While caressing his hairs when sleep took over her she also don't know.

This time it's Advik who opened his eyes and looked down where his Angel is sleeping like a kola in his embrace.

He smiled softly and removed her hairs who is blocking his beauty sleep's face.

After kissing on her crown he looked at time. Which is now 10:15. He remembered that Niyati needs to eat medicine in morning.

He start calling her while caressing her cheek.

Advik- Baby, wake up.

She didn't replied.

Advik- Come on Angel. Now wake up.

Niyati- Adi let me sleep.

She said and hide her face in his neck and continue her unfinished sleep.

Advik- Princess...

Niyati- please Baby let me sleep.

Advik looked at her with happy expression. But her eyes become widened when she realised what she just slipped out from her pretty mouth.

She looked at him and notice how he has big smile on his face. Before he speaks anything she turned other side and side while covering her self.

Niyati- I.. I'm sl... sleepy.

Advik laughed softly and shook his head on her behaviour. He stands up and moved toward her side of bed and try to remove duvet from her face.

When she feels Advik was near her. Her hold on duvet becomes tight.

Again Advik try to remove in return she hold duvet more tightly. But absolutely he is more strong infront of his little one and finally he removed duvet from her face and saw she was closing her eyes tightly.

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