4. The business partner

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Ainz was looking over the various belongings he acquired from the men that threatened him. Lifting up a pistol to examine every little detail that the small highly technical gun admiring every intricate detail of the weapon. Pulling the magazine out looking over the small container used to hold the bullets. Ainz wasn't one very knowledgeable about guns so if you asked him to name the piece he had in his hand you won't get much other than it's a gun'. So not wanting to break the little thing he returned it back to the table.

Ainz stood in the basement of the book store where he kept many of the spare books and other valuable items. There was a small armory filled with guns and swords on the west wall that he acquired during his time wondering the night city streets. A few had sticky notes attached to them to remind ainz to experiment with them. Ainz has been meaning to try enchanting the weapons for awhile.  He wanted to see how enchanting magic works in this world.

Since it seemed like there is no magic in this world. So magical components from yggdrasil are likely nonexistent. Even some none magical components are not available to him thanks to this world experiencing a bio-plague that whipped a large majority of the worlds plant life. Which ainz was angry about since it resricted him only to measly 1st and 2nd tier enchantments. It does not help that he had no levels in enchanting so he has his work cut out for him.

Bringing his hand to his chin as he looked at the wall lined with weapons. After bit he turned to glance at the rest of the basement looking at the various hanzos that were standing over the now naked thugs. Their clothes and other belongings being put on a tray holding the various items that the thugs had on them.

Looking over the tray ainz saw a multitude of personal belongings. Pictures of loved ones and family, wedding rings, gift cards, and coupons. Ainz found that even after seeing these things felt felt nothing toward killing them. He held no sympathy or malice toward the men and their livea. He nonchalantly chalked it up to being necessary to protect his store and thought nothing of it. This admittedly worried ainz but he put off for now.

Turning his head toward the assortment of selves that housed books on the east wall that are either from yggdrasil or very rare to come by. It was admittedly a small collection only filling up one shelf. Regardless Ainz made sure to have them line the shelf neatly and organized. The majority being yggdrasil books since he barely opened his shop. So he did not have the funds to pursue any rare volumes in this world.

It could also be said that yggdrasil books are very rare now considering there are no other books like it. He had to rely on creating lore books from memory with the [create lesser item] spell that gave him a few good reads on how Yggdrasil's magic works in the lore. Just as he was about to grab one of the books one of the honzos spoke into a old phone.

"Hello kirk? Yes this one wishes to inform you that our lord wishes to talk to you in person...."

Ainz tuned them out as he heard the front door open and close as footsteps came from above. 'A customer' thought ainz as the hanzo continued to speak to the man over the phone. While another hanzo was counting the assortment items that they gained on a clipboard. Seeing that the hanzos had the situation under control he decided to go up and greet the customer. So without another word he made his way toward the stairs he began to rehearse his sales pitch on the way.

'Welcome! ,welcome, greetings valued customer, salutations, hollo'

The thudding with each footstep ainz as he climbed up the large metal steps. Each step slow and methodical as his robes subtly moved along with his movements. Looking like a ethereal shadow as he approached a blue door. It's paint chipping away in places a small locking mechanisms firmly affixed in place so no one wonders in. Turning the mechanism it made a click before giving way to the store once more.

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