Chapter One

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"AAAAAA SHOOT SHOOT SHOOT DANG IT" Aisling yelled after having woken up late on the day of her prophecy assignment, her twelfth birthday. She grabbed the bell for the servants and rang it gently-after breaking it several times she wouldn't dare to do anything else.
While waiting for the servants she calmed herself down to what was appropriate for a young heir, or in the kingdom of Caer, a Prince. Long ago, the nobility were separated by gender, so their titles were different as well, but then the Great Prophetess came along and changed their society entirely, now it was the eldest child of the ruler that inherited the throne, instead of the oldest son of the king. Usually, Aisling would have to dress herself, 'Building character' as her father said, but today, she didn't have to as it was a special occasion

She sighed, frowning slightly, thinking about her last birthday.

"Aisling, darling, come on, you should get ready", her mother had said, and she had screamed no, wishing that she could forever stay still, looking at the glimmering stars put up in her room, the stars were actually precious stones called night-pearls and were stupidly expensive, Aisling had screamed when she saw them and hugged her mother, the one who had given them to her, but it was strange, her father, who was always there for her birthdays, was not, and it affected Aisling deeply. That day had been one of her worst birthdays after that, the smells were too strong and everyone was screaming and it seemed like she would never break out. Her mother had screamed at her for not going to the party and getting upset instead, and Aisling had ripped the dress that was too itchy in some places and too tight in others. 

Her favorite book sat on the counter, begging for her to read it instead of going to that stupid party with all the stupid screaming kids and then having to see the prophetess that always looked at her with a perfectly blank mask that she could never read. She always cried after she saw the Prophetess, she made it so hard to breathe with her stupid perfect raven black hair done up in two braids and that stupid mask that was always wearing a smile, perfect just like the rest of her, perfect and fake. Perfect like she was supposed to be, perfect like her mother. Perfectly smiling and happy, and always smiling. She hated it so much, and always wanted to scream to see if the stupid perfect Prophetess would frown or get upset. Her stupid older cousin that was the 'Darling of the Heavens'. Aisling would show her cousin  and her mother, with her prophecy, it would be the best of all, and it would go down in history as the most perfect prophecy in history and it would be amazing, just like her mothers and her cousin's. She would go down in history.

One of the maids waved a hand in her face, trying to get her attention "Miss? Miss? We're done with your clothing, and are going to move on to your hair and makeup but you keep grimacing at nothing and we really need you to stop" Aisling ducked her head, ashamed, and stopped grimacing. The maids spent hours on her hair, until it matched that of her cousin and put her in the robes of a young prince of the kingdom ...... the current style in this year. Suddenly the window broke, Aisling grabbed one of the sharp pins in her hair and weilded it like a sword, getting ready to defend against whatever strange monster came in through her window. It looked vagainugley human, with slimy black limbs and terrifying eyes that seemed like they were staring into her soul. The thing launched at her with a growl, and she went for it'sn yes, trying to blind it, she succeeded, but to no avail, it conbinued lunging at her over and over again. Her brain ran a hundred miles a minute, trying to comprehernd the strange thing ahead of her. She realized the maids were still behind her and yelled "Get out of here! This thing is of Faerie blood!" The maids thankfully heeded her command and ran out of the room to grab any iron objects that were placed near her door or any others nearby.

A round object nearly hit her in the head, but she caught it at the last minute. Her eyes widened, it was an iron bullet, thrown not shot thankfully. She grabbed it and shoved the bullet into the creature's face, it's screams burning her ears as it's own face charred beyond recognition. After it fell unconsious, she pushed it out of the window to fall to its death. Aisling wondered what that thing was. She muttered under her breath "Everything can be explained with science" That was something the main character of her favorite book said often. She glanced down at her dress and saw that it was dripping with gore. "Ugh, Mom's gonna kill me...Well, I would've changed into something better than a dress anyways" she grabbed a silver and blue suit out of her closet, still annoying, but now she could move her legs. The suit was sleek and tight-fitting, with a cape dropping from her shoulders to her hip. It had minimal flare, and the kingdom's crest, a 10 pointed star on the boots.

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