Prolouge: Rinne's story

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Seven years ago

Rinne ran, the world pouring down around them in the form of rain. For some reason, whenever something bad happens, her namesake always appears, the rain, 'Rinne', her parents thought it sounded like Rain.. Their boots splash as she walks, jingling like bells because of the chains on them. She gets to the temple, slipping her shoes off. Their black hood falls off of her head, revealing spiky black hair. She pours water on her hands "cleansing" herself, not that she could ever be clean of the things she had done. The only thing that could purify them now was death. And she had been asking for it for years and it had never came.

Rinne's eyelashes dripped from the rain, their red eyes slightly glowing. Their eyes always did, but tonight it was especially bright, as it was the day of the ominous star. That was what she had been born under, the reason her parents died. She was a changeling, her fate had been switched with a fae's and her characteristics too. She was 'gifted' fae magic, really cursed but that was what her parents had called it, so that was ehat they called it too.

The temple had a statue of one of the Aos Sí, in it, Rinne wasn't sure which one.

They began to pray.

"Please, gods of Caer, let me die. And if I can't die, then give me someone to live for"

At that moment, a child, about the same age as them walked in. This child had black hair, and black eyes too, she looked like a twin of Rinne. The child cleansed herself and knelt down to pray beside Rinne.

"Who are you?" The girl-child asked "My name's Rinne, what's yours"

The girl said "I'm Ellis," and continued praying.

"Never mind, I think I just found my reason to live."

The girl smiled, the sun peeking through the clouds at that excact moment.

Rinne would never forget the girl who would go to become her greatest problem, and her greatest fear. But right now they were children praying in the rain.

Rinne's parents died because of their mistake. One year later, they were adopted by the King's sister. She became the prophetess, and would never forget the ceremony.

The world glowed gold, her mask heavy on her nose. The said mask looked like a golden butterfly, with the green beads that were the trademark of the royal family hanging from her ears. Her hair was up in two braids, and the fourteen-year old girl danced, her black and green outfit whirling as she did so, the parade float moving  slowly. Her steps were quiet and quick, the dance slow, with many spins.

This would go on to become a legend, the Unseelie Changeling praying to the Aos Sí, and eventually becoming the Great Prophetess. It was the horror of many of the more old-fashioned council members, and some of the nobles, who would call her 'Knife ear' and 'copycat' and would ask 'Where's the real one?'. But she had the love of the commoners, after Rinne rescued one of her own, one of the commoners.

She was walking in front of the float, this fourteen-year old child playing in the street, they weren't sure how the girl got out as there were guards lining the street, but the float was about to run her over. Rinne jumped down, a flurry of black and green cloth, and swept the child into her arms. The parade was immediately stopped, and Rinne was named the great prophetess, and by a twist of fate, so was the girl. The gods selected these children who looked like twins as the second pair of prophetesses ever.

They asked the child what her name was, this common child almost killed by the parade, who became a great prophetess.

The child smiled, and said "Ellis,"

Rinne's eyes lit up, realizing that this girl was the one she had found in the temple and dedicated her life to finding. They smiled, the sun breaking through the clouds.

And then the world broke in front of her, and stained it red once more.

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