Chapter Six

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They entered the prophetess' domain, the fortress colder and more dangerous than before. No one dared to say a word, their breaths puffing out in the form of water vapor. A mouse squealed somewhere nearby, a scratching sound coming from the wall next to them. The door to the Prophetess' throne room guarded by a statue of a winged woman, holding a dice plate. Her eyes were painted white, and there were a pair of 20 sided dice sitting on the table.

Ellis walked to the table, picking up the dice. She threw the dice onto the table, the dice clattering as they rolled. The dice stopped rolling, revealing two tens, their silver engravings blinking back at their roller.

The door swung open, and they saw Folláine and Croí sitting, chained to the wall, their clothes ripped. Next to them, there was a dead man. The rest of his body was indescribable as it was so terrible, but his face. . . Was that of King Owen Noh, of the Kingdom of Simio. Aisling stepped back, Horrified, at what had occurred in her cousins close vicinity. Firínne ran up to Folláine and checked her pulse, squeezing her eyes shut and muttering something under her breath.

The first words were spoken since they entered the compound, and they were filled with regret and pain.

"She's dead."

When those words were spoken, the expressions on their faces turned from hope and fear to regret. Ellis ran to Croí, holding her fingers to his neck, her breathing quiet. Her face was one of rapture, hoping, praying that her sister's friend was still alive, so that she wouldn't have to suffer anymore.

Aisling had already lost her mother, losing anyone else would destroy her.

She turned her face to them, shaking her head. Ási gasped, and turned to Aisling to see what she was doing, perhaps for guidance. But she was dropped to her knees, her face in her hands, shaking her head. Ellis looked around at the room, seeing varied others in various states of torture.

She looked at her newfound 'sister', the girl who her fate had been switched with, sobbing on the ground, her black Ellis walked over while counting the corpses. She counted fifty three, one being the King of Caer. And then the prophetess walked in.

Her hair had come loose from the braids she always wore it in, cascading down her back in raven curls. Her scelera had taken over her eyes, making the eyes a mass of white and red veins. The prophetess smiled, revealing pointed teeth, and said, "Little cousin, do you like my collection?"

Aisling turned and spat at her cousin "Monster!" she said, her eyes red and puffy.

Her cousin tilted her head, muttering "Why don't you ever call me by my name? You know it."

Aisling opened her mouth to speak, but Ellis stepped in front, shielding her from the prophetess.

"Don't touch her,


The words were spat with venom, her eyes glowing. Fey was an insult, pronounced Fee and used to threaten death.

Ási drew his sword, standing up on shaking legs and pointing it at the Prophetess.

"You Unseelie bastard. Give me my brother back!"

He charged, but the Prophetess simply flicked her fingers and off he went. The wall exploded with the impact.

"Little Cousin, please, call me 'Big sis Rinne' like you used to?"

Aisling glared at her, stepping next to Ellis. "I only have one sibling, and they died at your hands. You're just a CHANGELING, a No-Face, a Masker"

Rinne stepped back, obviously hurt by the words. She looks at Ellis and hisses

The Prophetess of CaerNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ