They are start going but in garden Varun and his parents are sitting. They all thought to visit you. Advik start driving.

Varun- Chhote, Slow.

Advik- Sorry, But just want to see her fastly.

He said and start driving fast.


It's been 5 mints they are knocking but still there is no reply from inside. Advik called her. They all can hear her phone ringing from inside but she was not answering. Now they all are worried about her. Suddenly Advik notice something.

Advik- SHIT. Li-lights.

He said while shuttering. He remembered how she was scared when she got locked in college.

Advik- Bh-Bhabhi, Any other gate to enter.

He asked Divya who is standing there while holding Varun's hand her eyes are wet. Not hearing any reply Advik hold Divya by her shoulder and asked.

Advik- Bhabhi, Any other way to go inside?

Divya looked at him and shook her head. She was scared as death.

Suresh and Neelam start praying for you. Advik and Varun start looking at here and there to find some ways. Suddenly Divya shout.

Divya- K-KEYS.

She said and run fast to her car and brings her purse. She open the main door and all of them go inside. They all are not able to see anything. They all turned on flashlight and start searching for Niyati.

Advik go upstairs to check in her room. He was about to enter in her room when he heard his mom's voice.

Neelam- Niyati.

They all come in kitchen and saw Niyati is lying there unconscious.

Varun- Wait let me call the Doctor.

Advik carry her and moved toward her room. Divya sit on bed next to her and hold her hand.

Divya- Open your eyes chhoti. See, your Dida is here. Open your eyes bacha.

Advik sits on floor next to her side and start rubbing her hand. He checked her forehead she was buring in fever.

Before he said anything doctor come.

Doctor- Please wait outside.

All of them are standing outside of her room.

Advik go to Divya who is crying while hugging Neelam.

Advik- She will be ok Bhabhi. Your chhoti is strong.

Divya looked at him and hugged him. She starts sobbing on his shoulder.

Divya- Please tell her to wake up Advik. She will listen you.

Advik- shh..shh Bhabhi. Doctor is here now.Don't worry our Niyati is safe now.

He was comforting her but he himself are worried after seeing her in that situation.

After sometime dr called them inside.

Dr- Why she was not taking proper meal?

They all also don't know about her skipping meals. Whenever Advik asked her she always replied him in positive.

Dr- Don't worry she is ok now. She get unconscious because of shock and weakness. I write some medicines for her fever also. She will wake up in 1 hour. Take care of her, and feed her more healthy food.


Divya and Neelam are making Hotchpotch for her while Varun and Suresh are sitting in hall.

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