Merry Christmas ❤️☃️

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Hello my sweets! How are you all doing? I hope everyone is fine!! I'm so dead after these horribly terrifying exams. They started 2 days after my birthday, it was such an amazing gift to study on my birthday (NOT). Anyways, the team is back!!
Enjoy the chapter <3


Congratulations, you've received a new Point Of View.✅️

Mo's POV:

I knocked on Daniel's room. No answer, i knocked again and yet no answer so i used the spare key of the door and opened the door.
I could see the young couple asleep on the bed. I slowly walked over and tapped on Daniel's shoulder, getting him to wake up was not easy.
I tried Fodee, i only had to tap on his head and his eyes flickered open.
He sat up and blinked afew times before properly looking at me

"Goodmorning docter, what's the problem?" -F

"Ah, good morning Fodee, well the staff told me to wake you two up early. I'm sorry, they told me that you two, specifically had to be woken up at 5:45 AM. Please dress somewhat proper and follow me when done. Thank you darling." -M
(Darling as in a father way!!)

I left the room while Fodee was waking Daniel up.

Fodee's POV:

After Mo told me to wake my lover up, i did and we both got dressed before leaving the room and following doc.

Mo was leading us to the staff room, i figured. Once we reached the room, Mo knocked on it and it opened. When the door opened, multiple staff members were revealed. Most were ones that i didn't know. One staff member showed us two chair we had to sit on, which we did.

Everyone in the room was either silent or serious. All of a sudden the huge chair behind the desk turned around, revealing the owner?

"WHY HELLO! Good morning Daniel and Fodee, i'm so very sorry for this early hour but there is something we have to announce. Since it is christmas eve this evening, everyone from the asyleum will go to the dinner. Now you can choose if you either go to the big party and dinner or the smaller onew which is in this part of the building."

I looked over at Daniel who was half asleep before looking back at the man

"I'm very thankfull sir but, are we the only people who had to get up this early"

"Well, you are. You know christmas is about being tigether and the fun in it. But also presents, right?"

"Yes sir, i do remember that"

Daniel's head fell against my shoulder, he fell asleep again.

"Apoligies sir"

"No worries. I understand the situation. But to continue our conversation, i have a present for both of you."

"May we know what it is?"

I asked, very curious about the present.

"Not yet! You will have something very personal on your room tomorrow morning so don't lock the doors."

"Yes sir"

"Good, Mouro you may take them back to their room."

A smaller guy came forwards standing next to me, placing his hand on my shoulder and giving me a very creepy slight squeeze

"Dinner starts at 6:45 PM"

I shook Daniel awake and we went back to our room.

We stayed in our room the whole day and also got ready for dinner.
When we got to the dining hall, dinner was already served as we sat down.

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