Act IV, Scene I

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15th December. A hall in Rugard. A table is in the centre with dark flowers and two candles. A lamentful flute plays in the background.

Enter JESTER comically

JESTER: [he laughs maniacally] There once lived a count

Who instead of a mouth had a snout,

Pride bloated him.

His mind sprung a whim.

By acting on't,

A wife and daughter were thrown in a pit.

An enemy then fled

As the count mentally bled,

His trusters went away,

For they got little pay. [he laughs]

Enter COURTIER & GUARD with less armour

[JESTER hides behind a curtain]

COURTIER: What a pity 'tis that th'Count is in this state. He has been in such a groggy and choleric mood for a few days now.

GUARD: True it is, but we've won. It is best that we celebrate for this whole week. It was a great battle. If I counted correctly, I am certain that I killed over a dozen of those Pagans. Here take this. [he hands COURTIER a cup] We shall drink ourselves to death quicker than our enemies shall kill us.


Greetings, thy grace. How art thou?

BISHOP: I am in a most stately mood. I still cannot believe it how Arkona was untouched in this whole conflict. These are the most bless'd news that one can receive.

GUARD: Dost thou want some wine to commemorate this?

BISHOP: Nay, I shall refrain from consuming such commodities. Have any of ye seen Wizlaw?

[JESTER reveals himself]

JESTER: O, I have seen him dear Wratislaw. He is still weeping over his losses in the room next door!

BISHOP: Well, that is a pity. I do sure hope that he gets well soon.


[drums begin to play in the background]

WIZLAW: What is all this noise that ye are making in here?! Why can a man not rest in peace over such a tragedy?

BISHOP: We was just worrying about thee.

WIZLAW: Is that so?

GUARD: Aye, it is.

WIZLAW: [to COURTIER:] Thou's callous! Why dost thou drink and celebrate on this day?! If thou thinks this is a reason for joy, then thou is dismissed from thy post! [he takes the cup and throws it]

COURTIER: My liege, I-I had no intention of celebrating anything-.


Ah! Help!

GUARD: [to WIZLAW:] My lord I implore thee to let go. [to BISHOP:] Thine excellency, say something.

BISHOP: [to WIZLAW:] Liege, let go of the man for he did nothing. [to GUARD:] How about thou dost something. Thou art the man of conflict not me.

[JESTER laughs]

GUARD: [to JESTER:] Do not laugh fool. Help me break this up.

[GUARD & JESTER break up WIZLAW & COURTIER. COURTIER is thrown onto the table]

COURTIER: Ow! My neck's been agonised.

WIZLAW: This suffering of thine is not greater than mine. For commemorating such an event, thou deserves an even greater pain.


COURTIER: [to GUARD:] Look what thou didst to me. His excellency also could of suffered from such an attack as thou tempted him to drink as well.

GUARD: Why blame me? Thou agreed to drink.

BISHOP: Please, gentlemen. Stop this minimal dispute and let's talk in a civilised manner on Wizlaw.

JESTER: The Count's kin were killed like cattle callously and the courtier decides to carry a commemoration. I do not see how thee dost not understand this. Is God's wisdom not reaching thee because of thy mitre?

BISHOP: What art thou saying?

JESTER: A cat can creep into a carriage but a serpent can not.

BISHOP: [visibly puzzled] Thou art not being-.

JESTER: If a lark is in the sky during a royal hunt, then that is a terrible time for't to be where it is. If the lark is in its den, then it is safe. [pointing:] Look ho! There stands a fallen mast.

[Exit JESTER running

BISHOP: Maybe I need some of this sour wine.

COURTIER: Dost thou not remember what happened just a moment ago?

BISHOP: Didst thou not hear the court jester? God's wisdom is not reaching me through this mitre.

COURTIER: Then take it off.

BISHOP: Then pass the wine.

[they laugh and pour wine]

GUARD: I propose a toast. Let's drink to the Count's and the jester's good health and their steady recovery. Well, maybe not for the fool for he seems doomed to stay like that.

[they laugh & drink]


The Tragic Fall Of Wizlaw, The Count Of RügenWhere stories live. Discover now