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My lungs nearly exploded with every further step I took. The room rotated in front of me. How is this even possible?

Blurred-out screams in the back of my mind. Am I dreaming? What is happening to me?

Where are my tears? Why won't the ringing sound in my ear stop?

A cold hand on my shoulder forced me back to reality. My vision turned 20/20 within heartbeats.

"Lara..." The terror in his face, voice, and body language has never been more clear.

The green stones are owned by mother nature. The floor endlessly extended. The only light source being provided by the minerals collapsing onto the ground and giving me a glimpse of the outside. Breaking, shattering into pieces. Where is the exit? Is there one? If yes, am I even able to escape?

Another person rushed towards me, tightly gripping the gun in his hand. "Fuck no. Please no. He's going to kill us."

Both of them stared at me as if they've seen a ghost.

Maybe they did. Maybe I am already one. Blood leaking out of me and driping on top of the filthy and untouched soil.

It must be horrifying seeing two people dying in front of you at once.

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