14 | "Sweetheart" But Romantically

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A hand lightly brushed back my hair and I smiled, opening my eyes and rolled around, seeing Dean smiling back at me.

    "Good morning." I said with a small yawn.

    "Good morning, sweetheart." he whispered against my lips, kissing me. "Did you sleep well?"

    "Mmhm. Yeah." I lightly touched my hand to his jaw, my fingers brushing over the slight stubble on his chin. "Did you?"

    "Mmh-hmm." he answered, his fingers wrapping around my wrist lightly and kissing my fingertips.

    My other hand slid up his arm and played with the necklace around his neck, running my thumb over the gold surface. "What's this?"

    He looked down at the necklace, then back at me. "Sam gave it to me when I was 8. Cass said it's an indicator to God. But to me, it's how much Sam and I love each other."

    "That's cute. Who would have thought you were such a softie at heart?"

    Dean smiled, reaching behind him and taking off the necklace. "Yeah, well, I don't need this necklace to remind myself how much I love Sam. I've just been saving it."

    "Saving it? For what?"

    "To give to the person I care about most besides my brother and Bobby." he answered, looking at the necklace before slipping it over my head. "Turns out, I've been saving it for you."

I looked down at the necklace with a smile, then at him. "That is literally the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me."

Dean smiled and placed a kiss on my forehead, one of his arms encircling my waist and pulling me on top of him, hooking a finger around the necklace and bringing my lips down onto his.

    "Well, good morning to you too." I smiled against his lips.

   "Well, if you idjits are quite done, we kinda got a situation going on." Bobby said from the door, his arms crossed.

    "Bobby!" Dean pulled the covers further up my shoulders. "I was a little busy here in case you hadn't noticed."

    "Oh, Sam told me all about you and Demon Princess here. But hurry it up. Meet me in the panic room." Bobby said before walking out and closing the door.

    I sighed heavily and laid back on the bed. "Well. Our twelve hours of peace is finally over. Should we go see what the situation is?"

    "Under one condition," Dean gently poked my side.

    "And what might that be?" I asked with a smile.

    "I'm going to get dressed in my room, and when I see you next, I'd like to see you in my shirt."

    I watched as Dean rolled out of bed and got his boxers and pants on, tossing me his shirt.

"One more." he leaned down and lightly gripped my throat, kissing me like it was the oxygen he needed to survive; smiling at me and kissing the tip of my nose before leaving the room.

I laid in bed for an extra five minutes before finally dragging myself out of bed and getting ready. Once I got ready for the day, I fell back onto my bed and closed my eyes.

The door opened once again. "Bianca. You can't go back to sleep." Dean said.

"I'm tired." I complained, lying face-down on the bed. "Five more minutes."

He leaned down, his lips pressing against the shell of my ear. "Bianca. Either you get up in the next five seconds, or we're not leaving this room today."

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