2 | Brothers Winchester

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I sat cross-legged on my bed in a separate room, a devil's trap sigil painted around the entire floor of my room to keep me from going out.

    But I had no intentions of getting out. As much as I hated being cooped up in this place with two strange men, at least the food was good, and not like the slop the asylum always fed us.

Dean came into the room with a wooden tray: a plate of food and waters. "Morning, demon spawn."

"Aloha, asshole."

He gave a thin smile. "Funny." he set down the tray on the small nightstand beside my bed, then went to leave the room.

I grabbed the nearest shoe from the floor and chucked it at him, having it hit him in the back of the head.

Dean turned around, picking up the shoe and looking at me. "Did you just throw a shoe at me?"

"Yeah. Sayonara, bitch." I waved.

I could have sworn a smile passed his face, but he just dropped the shoe on the ground and walked out of the room.

I laid back down on the bed and closed my eyes, focusing my breathing and thinking of pleasant thoughts, and was rudely interrupted by a distant explosion and shout; Dean running back into my room, his face covered in soot.

I sat up and bit back a smile. "You got a little something on your face."

He held up his electric razor—now burnt and sizzling. "This was your doing. You owe me a new razor."

"No can do. I'm stuck here, and I can't leave." I pointed out. "Besides. You have no proof that was me."

He went silent for a long time. "You're a bitch."

"I know. It's one of my best titles." I answered, laying back on my bed and stretching out. "When do you think you'll let me out of this circle?"

    "Why? So you can wreck havoc for us?"

    "No. So I can go to the bathroom." I answered him.

Dean looked to the empty bottle on my nightstand, gesturing to it. "There's a bottle."

I looked at the bottle, picked it up, and looked at him. "You do realize that men body parts are very different from female body parts, right?"

He chuckled. "Oh, sweetheart, I know how male and female body parts work."

    "Great. Then can you at least break the seal so I can go to the bathroom?" I asked, setting the bottle back down.

    Dean sighed and scraped his boot across the paint, breaking it. "Make it quick."

    "Thank you." I got up from my bed and walked into the bathroom.

"And don't even think of trying to escape!" Dean shouted as I closed the door.

"There's nothing in Lawrence besides cornfields!" I shouted back, slamming the door.

Dean was leaning by the bathroom when I came out, looking at a message on his phone.

    I leaned over and looked back at him. "Who's Lisa?"

    He snapped to attention, looking at me with a deep frown and putting his phone away. "None of your business."

    "Hm." I shrugged, walking over to the bed and sitting back on the mattress. "I thought Hunters couldn't have lives outside of this. Too bloody."

    "How about you keep your nose out of other people's business." he suggested.

    "Yeah, yeah, whatever. If I'm gonna be cooped up here all day, how about getting me some tv privileges?" I gestured to the blank screen on the wooden stand. The remote nowhere in sight.

Smoke and Ashحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن