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♪ It's like you got superpowers turn my minutes into hours
You got more than 20-20, babe, made of glass the way you see through me ♪

Chloé Hubert POV

I got into therapy the moment I went back home. I told her how selfish I was to worry all those people and go binge drinking my tears away but apparently, it's self-sabotage mixed with a mental breakdown, everything going well, and then reading an adorable letter made me fear blowing my relationship up and just sabotage it by drinking more than I could handle.

I need to learn to trust myself and those around me, which really means that I need to know that Pierre is not going to dump my ass for someone more mentally stable; I wouldn't blame him if he did.

"What is all the thinking about?" The therapist asks me, and I look down.

"I don't know how to look at Esteban after what happened, I don't know why he said he loved me back or why he let me kiss him. He should've called Pierre; that would be the right thing to do. How will I face him?" I ask her, my anxiety reaching a high level.

"There have been some lingering feelings on his part for years, but that is not on you to resolve. You let it be clear that you didn't like him back, you were dating a colleague of his, and he knew you loved him. That was wrong of him, but you can't fix other people's wrongdoings; you can only work on yourself as a person," she explains, and I nod still frustrated.

"But I kissed him in my delirious state and I have to face him for weekends on end," I try to explain why I was so reluctant and she nods.

"I know, but you weren't yourself, stop trying to blame yourself for that, it was out of our control. If you want to say something, just tell him that you prefer to keep a civil environment with its due distance due to what happened. Maybe say how inappropriate you found it, be an adult, and get through with it; he doesn't matter. You, Pierre, your family and your friends matter, they are your support group."

"Being an adult sucks," I mutter unmotivatedly.

"I know, you've said it plenty of times about plenty of stuff. Are we done for today? Do you feel ready for the weekend ahead?" She asks me as she crosses her legs and I laugh.

"I am ready, thank you for the patience. Are you sure there is no problem in doing online therapy?" I ask her once again, and she chuckles.

"Don't worry about that Chloé, it's better to do it online than to just stop it, you would just never come back. Have some fun and leave the weight of that night behind," she warns me and I nod.

"I will see you on Tuesday then, I can do this!" I say confidently as I stand up to leave.

"It's been a month, go to Texas and enjoy it. You deserve it!"

And I did as she said, Pierre has been an angel. He always is. He gave me time and space. We have been texting and FaceTimeing, but a month is the longest we've been without seeing each other since we started dating. He doesn't even know I am coming to Texas; nobody knows besides one team member from Alpine who got me a paddock pass and the card to Pierre's hotel room. 

I arrived at the hotel early and checked in, requesting the extra card registered to me. I knew Pierre was at the track; his messages confirmed it. I had about five pictures of him with different drivers from random parts of the morning.

"She is just leaving me on read. Rude much?" An incredulous Pierre is heard as he walks in front of me with Charles, who can only laugh.

"She is probably waiting to see when you stop messaging her pictures of yourself," Charles tells him and he nods, typing something more. I walked fast and tried to intertwine my arm with Pierre.

"That's way too much, I'm sorry," Pierre says as he immediately jumps out of the way, I barely touched his arm.

"And why is that?" I asked as Charles had already noticed it was me, and once he heard my voice, Pierre took off his hat and stopped in his tracks.

"Chloé! Fucking hell baby," he says as he hugs me tightly and I hug him back, it felt good. I felt at home finally.

"Missed me much?" I ask smugly after greeting Charles with a quick hug, and we resume the paddock walk.

"I sure did, you should've told me. How did you do this?" Pierre asks excitedly.

"I mean, I got money for flights. I just missed you and thought it would be a good idea to come here, it's been way too long. Too much time and too much space," I whisper before I kiss his cheek. 

I entered the Alpine garage, and I saw Esteban's surprise when he saw us together, I don't think he and Pierre talk much besides the team mandatory interactions. I put Pierre's hat on and greeted everyone while trying just to ignore Esteban's presence. Pierre had to get in the car for the first practice, and that is when Esteban came in my direction.

"No. Let's keep this short. You should've stopped it, or at least called your teammate the one person you know is my boyfriend. Let's keep our distance, there is no need to pretend," I straightforwardly say, and he seems taken aback.

"I'm sorry, one way or another, I took advantage of the state you were in. I will make this easier, and I will keep my distance. I'm glad it all worked out with you two," he says, and I nod.

"I'm glad too. Have a good weekend, Esteban," I say before leaving the conversation and putting the headset on.

I focused on Pierre, every lap he did, every time his name was mentioned. He is my man; he deserves the world, and man, I would give it to him. He left the car, and I kissed him as I hugged his neck. He proudly kissed my neck and whispered.

"Je t'aime, mon coeur."

"Je t'aime, mon trésor," I whisper back before he goes to talk to the engineers. I watched him happily as he watched his data with the team. 

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