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♫ I need you to know I would never be this strong without you
You've seen how I've grown, you took all my doubts, 'cause you were home ♫

Pierre Gasly POV

After the flight, we went to get our baggage and we had the same hotel booked up. We did the check-in and went to our rooms. As soon as they got in their rooms Yuki turned to talk to me.

"So, how are stuff between you two? Is it official?" He asks curious and I shake my head.

"No. I won't think that much ahead. I will let this go slowly, we are still building a friendship first. If something happens then it does" I say as I find my room, right next to Chloé.

"You looked like a couple so I wanted to know" He says getting in the room in front of mine. I leave my baggage there and I leave the room, seeing the girls talking in the hallway, their rooms were on the same floor but closer to the elevator.

"Are we ready to go out and have something to eat?" Pierre asks and I nod.

"Of course. Food is always welcome" Julia says excitedly and we let out a laugh as we headed for the elevator.

We had lunch, which was fun. We went around the place and visited some places the girls were interested in visiting. Charles arrived in Monaco with Charlotte by dinner time so we scheduled to go party the next day, we would recover our energy today after dinner. Which we did.

The girls wanted to rest after dinner but as they closed their doors I saw Chloé looking at me.

"Is there anything wrong?" I ask curiously as I lean on the wall and she shakes her head.

"I was wondering if you would be up for some ice cream. It's hot and I want something sweet" She offers and I signal her to go first.

"I am up for it" I say and as soon as she walks in front of me I smile wildly and I do a little celebrating sign to myself.

"So, I never knew you could pretend not to be scared shitless on a plane. You did a good job, I would've never remembered how much you hate flying" She says as she turns around after entering the elevator and I shrug.

"I would never make it seem too obvious. I am better than that, I thought you would've forgotten it" I say honestly.

"Some things are difficult to forget, you know it as much as I do" She says as we step outside the elevator. We walked to a nearby place that sells desserts. I chose a waffle with two ice cream flavors. She chose a cone with 3 flavors and we sat down on the terrace with an awesome view.

"I don't want this to be awkward between us, I am not here to force anything. A few months ago I really thought I would never have the chance to see you again so having you here and being able to socialize with you without us fighting. I never thought we could be friends so I am up for ignoring whatever the chemistry I feel between us if we can be friends" I say honestly and she nodded as I kept going.

"How long do you think we can ignore this?" She asks curiously and I smirk.

"Well, now that I know I am not the only one feeling it then it gets harder. I can also tell you that I will do my best to treat you like you deserve. I won't step into your personal space. We shouldn't be in a war to fight it but now we both know we want it. It's mutual and it's harder"

"We can deal with it, we can be friends. Let's just have fun and ignore this for now. I think you are right. We can totally work with what we have, but it's mutual so it's harder" She agrees with my thinking and I smile.

"Friends?" I ask teasingly.

"Friends." She answers with a cocky smile. Are we thinking the same thing?

We chatted for a while, I saw some people looking at us a lot so I knew that some photos were probably being taken. Tomorrow TikTok and Instagram will be on fire with gossip once again.

We went back to our rooms, I kissed her cheek and waited for her to get in before I did and then I did it. I took a good shower, brushed my teeth, and got into bed. I ended up sleeping like a baby. The next day was a relaxing day, we enjoyed the spa in the morning and went to the beach in the afternoon.

I had to run after Chloé because she refused to put her sunscreen on. Why is she so stubborn? I had to almost threaten her to make sure she put the sunscreen on. The night time has arrived and we were at the club while we waited for the girls to arrive. They got distracted while getting ready and they didn't want me to wait.

"So, is the famous Chloé going to show up?" Charlotte asks excitedly, she had never met Chloé so I think she was excited to have someone new to socialize with.

"Oh, your girlfriend is coming" Lando says as he arrives and I give him a threatening look.

"Don't go there" I say as he laughs. "But yes, she is coming. Her, Anna, and Julia must be close"

"There she is" Charles says as we look behind us. She was stunning and I am now more interested in her than any girl inside this packed-up club, fucking hell. This is going to be hard, my standards are getting too high.

 This is going to be hard, my standards are getting too high

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"Wow, she is gorgeous. You two would make a good couple" Charlotte says excitedly as they make their way to us.

"They kissed two nights ago but I think they will spend a few more months flirting back and forth while eyeing each other" Charles says as he tries not to laugh and I roll my eyes.

"Don't be an asshole, this is complicated but I will wait for her if I need to" I say right before they get to us.

"Hello babes!" Chloé says excitedly as she hugs Charles and then hugs Charlotte. "You are absolutely gorgeous!"

"Thank you! You look so good tonight" Charlotte says excitedly and her nervousness is gone.

The four girls left almost automatically to go to the bar and I tried not to laugh at the way they easily abandoned us without even checking in.

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