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♬Let me show you love, I don't pretendStick by my side even when the world is givin' in ♬

Pierre Gasly POV

"Who's that?" Charles asks as he interrupts our conversation, I follow his eyes and I see Chloé talking to a guy. He had his hand around her waist and I could see her face. I saw them getting closer and closer until I felt someone pushing me slightly.

"What?" I ask harshly as I look to where the push came from and I see Julia there.

"That guy grabbed her while she was coming to talk to you" Julia says as she drags her words. I didn't need more than that.

"Let her go!" I demand as I push him away from her and I pull her closer to my body.

"You should be careful about leaving your girl this drunk. She looks too good to be so alone and defenseless" He is provoking me but I just roll my eyes.

"She had enough defense, don't worry about it" I say as I get away from him. "What the fuck were you thinking by drinking this much? Why wouldn't you defend yourself?"

"You came" She whispers with a smile as she looks up at me. She looked adorable and sexy as hell at the same time.


"I knew you'd come. I was like a second away from grabbing his balls and destroying them with my free hand, he got lucky" She says as she shrugs.

"Did you want me to come and rescue you from that asshole?" I ask dumbfounded by her logic and she nods.

"It feels better to be rescued by someone else" She says as she her arm surrounds my waist.

"I think it's time to go back to the hotel" Lando said as he gave me a cheeky smile and I gave him the middle finger to which he laughed.

We called 3 cabs and left for the hotel. We got to the hotel and I was helping Chloé, Lando was helping Julia and Yuki tried to help Anna. It was a whole mess, Charles had left with Charlotte since they were 2 floors down from us.

"Goodbye baby!" Anna says excitedly as I watch Chloé searching for her keys on her purse.

"Good night mon amour" Chloé answers as excitedly as she was. They know they will see each other in the morning right?

"Use protection" Julia says as she closes the door on Lando's face and he walks to his room after quietly waving at me. Yuki was leaving since Anna had opened the door already.

"She is nasty" Chloé whispers as she finally finds the key.

"See if you get a cold shower and sleep well to try to have a lighter hangover" I say as I take a step back

"You are a good friend Pierre, thank you for carrying me here. I know I don't look good right now" She tiptoed to me and kissed my cheek which made me smile.

"Don't worry about it" I lean down and kiss her cheek to which I get a cute smile as a response, I like this version of her. No defenses and no mask, just her.

"I will see you tomorrow" She says as she enters her room and I turn my back to walk to my room.

"Take care Chloé" I say before the door closes.

My heart was beating fast, it only happens when she is around. We aren't friends, we say we are but that is just something we say to fool ourselves, it couldn't be further from the truth and we both know it.

I woke up the next day and we could only go for a brunch because breakfast time had gone by. I texted the girls and met them at a place close to the hotel, they were in a good mood so I guess there was no hangover to be treated.

"Good morning, did you all sleep well?" I ask as I sit down next to Chloé.

"Good morning! Looking good Gasly" Julia says happily.

"We slept well, thank you for asking" Anna says as she puts down her menu.

We ordered our food and waited for it to come while looking at the view we had from there, our hotel had a gorgeous oceanside view but this was pretty good too.

I went to the gym the whole afternoon and I don't even know where they went. I just know I was with Charles, Lando, and Yuki while we trained because these days aren't 100% vacation days for us. Tomorrow we had media duties to do for the race here in Mexico and the craziness of the race week would start. We got pretty lucky by having these days free.

Next week would be more calmer because it was not a race week. I had dinner with them and as I was getting back to my room I found Chloé.

"Hey. Had a good day?" I ask as I lean in her door frame and she nods.

"We had our fun, we are not the ones working" She smirks and I chuckle.

"Fair enough. Text me or call me if you need anything" I say as I turn to head to my room.

"Get some rest Pierre. You will need it" She says as she opens her room and gets inside.

She was there for the weekend and I got some points, not enough for a podium but good enough for me. The weekend was busy but rumors were definitely swirling around, she was seen with the AlphaTauri merch and we were always together so it was normal to have those types of doubts surrounding us. I didn't care.

She seemed not to care either, I also made sure to try to do everything during the weekend that would keep my week free to have some type with her without having to worry about doing content for the brand. I would do my training in the mornings and I could with the girls in the afternoon, Charles and Lando were excited to have some fun in Brazil.

We traveled on Monday to Brazil and, luckily, we rented a villa which made it way funnier to be together, there was no need to go out for parties, we could just have fun here and invite the other drivers who were staying at the hotels. 

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