Junior Team India

Start from the beginning

"Ummmmahhh wakey wakey

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"Ummmmahhh wakey wakey......my little angle.....look where we are.....we are at sea beach........your papa's favourite and also dada's.......my little bunbun.....wakey wakey.."....Shubman cooed when his little baby slowly open his eyes.......

"Awwww look my little hamster is wake ......let's go to papa....yeahhh".~the baby giggled in his dada's arm......

They went near ishan who was busy taking pictures of his little world......

Ishan's outfit

Shubman's outfit

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Shubman's outfit

(Guys I researched for whole 1 hour but didn't get any perfect matching outfit for both of them

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(Guys I researched for whole 1 hour but didn't get any perfect matching outfit for both of them....according to the place.....please bear with what I got....🙏🏻😖)

They spent the whole day there...laughing, giggling, playing with their baby......it was one of the best day of their live......due to tight schedule they didn't get much time to spend alone.....this little little dates are their reliefs from the celebrity life..from the media......where they can enjoy just how they want.....like normal people.......they vowed to cherish their every moment of life with love and care.......be each other's shield....no matter what never leave......"I love you to the moon and back"

Later that night

"Ishu......."shubman softly called his husband who was busy feeding their baby.....

"shubman softly called his husband who was busy feeding their baby

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He kissed ishan's lips and then his baby's forehead...who just finished his milk.....then he picked up the baby and hugged him close to his chest in attempt to make him sleep.......and again kissed his husband's lips.....ishan giggled.......at his hubby's antics......

at his hubby's antics

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"I love you Ishu"....

"I love you too Shub"......

#that's the end....my mind is blank....I don't know what I write.....this is one of the worst writing of mine......very sorry guys.....I am genuinely sorry.....I just have no experience about the whereabouts of this chapter......😅😅😅I tried to patch the wholes of mistakes by picture......sorry sorry....please bear with it......and maybe I will not update regularly now as my Tuitions are starting.........but if you want some more part of "Junior Team India "....then please send suggestions.....🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💖💖💖

Stay tuned

Sarangheo 💜💜💜💜

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