you are carrying half of my soul[pt.2]

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Time skip to 2 hours
Ishan wake up from his deep slumber......only to find no Shubman by his side........that's when his anger rise up......however he doesn't know why is he feeling that much angry and tensed......but he can't control..........he get up from the bed to find his husband........though little did he know that he's again working in their papa's home office.........

Just after reaching the door of the room.....fuming angrily.....he suddenly feel a pain rush through his lower abdomen.........he hold his bump and crouched down on the ground....not being able to bear the sudden sharp pain..........
"Ahhhhhhh......Shubi h-ahhhhh-help.........."Ishan shouted in pain........but none come as his Shubi is working in a room in a the far corner at downstairs.........

Other side with shubman

After ishan feel asleep he got a message from his father regarding their business so he had to attend an online meeting...........

"Ah I can go and sleep with my ishu......"He sighed shutting down the laptop........he didn't hear ishan's scream earlier due to the soundproof room.......
As soon as he open the room door a chill goes down his's his Ishan..he's shouting and most probably crying he okay....did something happen to the baby okay....did he fell.....a bunch of negative thoughts gathered in his mind......

"Shu-----ahhhhhhhhhhh.....helppppppp ple--ahhhhhhh" Shubman come back to his sence with another srill voice of his husband......without thinking further he ran to upstairs.............His husband is leaning against the door of their room.......holding his bump.....tears rolling down his checks continuously...........

"Ishuuu....ishu what happened baby.....are you me baby where's it hurting bub....Bubba look at me....shh shh....Don't cry love....."

"Yo-you leave me shubi........."

"Nooo baby nooo how can I leave you baby...I ca-"

"Ahhhhhhhhhh......shubi it's hu-hurt please d-do some-something....."

"Yes yes baby....but did you fell love...tell me please "

"Noo but it's suddenly hurting a-a lot"

"Okay okay baby I got it got it..."

Shubman then picked up ishan and placed him in the bed softly.......then he called his mother who is a renowned gynecologist.......also..

"Hello mamma"

"Shubi beta what never call at this ishan okay"

"No mamma he's not okay........he was I left for sometime to complete some work.....but when I came back I found him crying in pain.....but he said he didn't fall"

"OH my might be some strong contractions.......can you turn it in face time"Mrs. Gill said ....worried for her only son-in-law

"Yes mamma"......he turned the phone towards ishan..."Ishu baby look mamma has something to tell you"......

Ishan looked at the screen with his wet face..."baby ishu were you very much upset for some reason earlier baby??" Mrs. Gill asked softly........

"H-He said he will stay with me.....ahhhhh...ahhhhh.....please do something can't take it anymore...."

"Shhh shh baby (it might be hurting a lot)......shubi can you give him the painkiller "......Subhman nodded and placed ishan again in the bed.....then bring the first aid kit from the bathroom and give a painkiller to ishan......

After 10 minutes ishan feel the pain go away........

"Are you okay now baby....." Shubman's father asked who also came hearing his favorite son-in-law is in pain.....


"Now can you tell me why were you know na stress isn't good for you now"...

" I told shubi to spend today only with me......he daily do that office work......but he still left me when I fell asleep......."Ishan complain to his dear mamma with big pout looking sooo much cute and cuddly like a baby......

"Mr. Gill I told you before not to involve my babies in your stupid business....he's a crickter for God sake......he only get this lockdown period to rest....moreover my son-in-law is expecting......they need alone time.......ARE YOU FUCKING DUMB"......

"Are sorry sorry.....I just thought th-"

"Who said you to think...... just do your work yourself don't involve my babies......and you have two fucking secretary for God sake....."

"Sorry Sorry iam really sorry.....ishan beta forgive me okay.......I will not involve your husband anymore" Mr. Gill said eyeing his wife nervously.......

"It's okay papa....I just can't control my emotions ".....ishan said with a sad voice

"It's totally not your fault can you control your emotionsin this time.....we are the one who have to be careful and you don't worry about anything mamma will take care of two rest well...and don't get down from bed.....take complete rest for today....okay bub?"

"I will take care mamma" Shubman said holding his husband's waist...."But are you gyus in car or what"

" Oh yes yes.....I forgot to tell you.....we got permission.....and we are coming home.....will reach tommorow morning maybe....."

" OH okay....papa mamma come back home safely...."

" bye mamma papa.....come fast fast...I miss you "..

"Yes my kishmish we also miss you baby.....ok now bye hmm you take some rest "Mrs. Gill cooed at her baby

Shubman cut the call.....and take his husband's small hands in his big one.....and look straight to his husband's eye.......

" baby I am so sorry love......for me you have to go through so much pain.....please forgive me this time......I promise I will not leave you alone from now on"

"It's okay I forgive you....but you have to make brownie and cookies for me .....we want to taste that ".....ishan said showing his best puppy eyes

"Anything for my love and my baby........You're carrying half of my soul baby........I will do anything to make you two safe and happy"......Shubman said and bring his lips down to his husband's soft ones.......

# The enddddddd........from now on I will not write any mpreg story... this is my first and last.......

Stay tuned.....sweet dreams......

Forgive me for this trash of mine.....and for my grammatical mistakes....

Bye bye

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