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The Creator was sitting in her room reading the Comment "Hm let me see the picture." The creator pressed the link that H sent their eyes widen and her face turns green "OH NO NO NO NO!!!!!!" The Creator then closed out of the Image

(Video at top)

HenryValencia4569 (new comment) question for the Autobots are you sure you're the heroes let's see if this video shows anyone being good for once.

Everyone watched the video and the Vehicon's were standing right next to the Autobots one of the little Vehicon ran away

5n0w: MOM!!!!!!

Everyone looks over and a Shadow was forming infront of them the Autobots went White and the Veihicons ran over to the shadow the Camera then Showed Cor with all of the Veihicons behind Her

Cor: Who should I kill first? Audience?

Cor then looked at the camera


I think about changing Corruption to Vero what do You think should I?

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