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FidgetGod Did you accidentally mix up logical and illogical.
Anyways Megatron I dare you to tell Starscream you're Proud of him.

Me: no I just forgot about Illogical Sorry to everyone and Shockwave.

Megatron: what no no no no no no no no-

Me: I'll give you 200 energon cubes.

Megatron: ok I'll do it.

Starscream: Really Why are you going to do that Cor-

Megatron: STARSCREAM!!!!

Starscream: *Just Freezes in place*

Me: Starscream? Starscream.? Starscream!?

Megatron: What happened?

Me: I think you Broke him.

Megatron: oh...... oops

*Two hours later*

Megatron: Starscream.

Starscream: Y-yes Lord Megatron?

Megatron: Starscream I'm...... p-proud of you.

Starscream: *just standing in shock*

Everyone Except Me: *same as Starscream*

Steve: What?

Me: ok Bye everyone Ask or Dare and Follow!

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