oh oh OH NO

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HenryValencia4569 I dare Breakdown and Knockout to fight against IDW Tarn.

Me: Hm ok ok.........  Hehehe.

Breakdown is minding his own business, then hears something

Breakdown: Hey who is over there!?

He walks over and you only see his shadow

Breakdown: WHAT ARE YOU DOI-

He is then knocked out and pulled away from another shadow

Meanwhile with Knockout

He heard Breakdown yell and walked into the room he heard it come from

Knockout: Breakdown I heard you yell are you ok?

He looks over to a corner and sees energon everywhere

Knockout: H-huh? B-Breakdown where are you!? BREAKDOWN!!!

Then a shadowy figure towered over him Knockout backs up into the figure as soon as he bumps into the figure he freezes and Slowly looks up then we're looking at a wall with Knockout the ??? Shadows on a wall

Knockout: Huh? AHHHHHHHHH-

Knockout is then "knocked out" bye the figure and dragged away

Meanwhile in the Cyberverse world

Tarn is being led bye the Autobots to the sores to control his brotheren (I hate him) then the lights go out and he is pulled away yelling the lights turn on with the figure is pulling him the Autobots chases after the figure then there trapped

Optimus: you let him go whoever you are!

??? Pov

I was corner I needed 'Tarn for this' I then Hold my had out and use my magic and the Autobots where in my magic circles then I knock Tarn out and make a portal and run through with Tarn over my Shoulder and stop my magic I make it through and close the portal

2 hours later

They all wake up and the figure that captured them is watching them

Breakdown: uhg Knockout....... YOU I'll kill you for what you did!

Breakdown gets up and running towards them they use there magic and push Breakdown back

???: A-a-a no no no you must know who I am....... Knockout.

Knockout: What no I-

He then knew who it was

Knockout: Uhg Cor...!

Me: Yes?


Tarn and Breakdown where shocked and confused

Me: anyway we got a dare from our friend H HEY H COME HERE THER AWAKE

H: Yeah you guys have to fight against IDW Tarn.

All three: Ok

They all fight Tran uses his fighting skills Breakdown uses his hammer and Knockout uses his Medical tools they fight for 5 hours then it was finally done Breakdown and Knockout won

Me: ok I'll take Tarn back.

Me: *Whispers to Tarn* and If you Hurt ANYONE I will Kill you.

Tarn: O-Ok ok I will not.

Me: Anyway Bye Everyone!!!

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