DAY 1: The Warm Meeting

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On the 30th of November, the reader was seen walking through the furious blizzard. Apparently, you have a reason why you were outside in the snowy storm, whether is to go grab something for your family, meet up with your close friends, or to find something you have lost somewhere in the area you live in. But then, you, the reader, might be outside just because you are bored, or out of randomness. Regardless of the reason, you are here out in the snow. The warmth of your clothes slowly goes away by each step, the socks in your shoes wet by the melted snow, and you can’t see much to your surroundings due to the blizzard’s fog, or because the snow keeps hitting your face. The feeling of the cold snow is already getting you sick, and tired. Just as you were about to give up and faint, you noticed a light flickering through the storm. What could it be? Curious, or Determined, you were, you decided to approach the light. Though, unfortunately, after many steps, you fell to the snowy ground, and get knocked out from hypothermia.

As you lay there in the frozen snow, you couldn’t move, speak, or SEE anything. However, you can feel. But let me tell you, you are feeling VERY cold. But then, you feel something, or someone, picking you up from the ground. You couldn’t see who it was that picked you up, but before you could try to think, you went unconscious.

…Many minutes, or maybe hours, has passed since then.. And when you woke up from your faint state, the first thing you noticed that you were on what appears to be a very comfy beanbag chair, and that you were not outside, but inside of what appears to be a living room. Before you is a chair, a fireplace, a table with a book on it, and when you were about to stand, you see a Garchomp walking in from one of the doors.

“Hello there. You are awake. I found you lying in the snow in a blizzard. What were you thinking, being out at that time?” The Garchomp spoke, looking at you with a stern look. Wait. Did it just talk? Counter-wait. Why is there a Pokemon there? You thought Pokemon is fiction, but after seeing this, you were curious to know. You are about to ask the Ground-Dragon Type some questions of why it exist, or something entirely random (if you were thinking of doing that), the Garchomp cut you off by covering you with a warm blanket. “Hush now. Relax. Just.. accept the warmth of this household. Make yourself at home.” The Garchomp said as it went over and sit down on a chair.

You try to stand, but your knees got weak at how warm this is. You have been out in the cold for so long, it kinda got you very mellow and relaxed. You try to take the blanket off, but it is too heavy and warm. Its no use taking it off, unless it IS of use. The Dragon Pokemon did say to make yourself at home, so surely you’d take advantage of it. So you decide to stay wrapped up in a warm blanket cocoon. As you relaxed, you notice the Garchomp reading the book, which seemed to have a christmas theme on it. You then start to get curious. Whats in that book? Why is it getting you curious? You HAVE to know. So.. you did what you do naturally. You ask the Garchomp what’s the book about.

“Oh? This book here has multiple stories in it. Each story has a struggle, and has a perspective of one of the many characters in the book. Why? You wanna read it?”

You nod your head very quickly.

“Okay, now, don’t nod your head like that.” The Garchomp huffed. “Don’t want your head to be mushy now. Anyway, sure! Imma give you stories from this book. So, get your marshmallows, your candy canes and your Christmas cookies, as you will hear stories of the many Pokemon characters some Flame Orb has owned.. Wait, whose the flame or-”

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