"Enough. Tell me who you met?" Jungkook asked pulling Jimin in his arms holding him by his petite waist making Omega stop his rambling and stare at the alpha whose sandalwood scent was invading in his senses now.

Since Jungkook just showered and he hasn't worn any scent blockers Jimin could literally breathe his favourite scent in the world sandalwood.

"I-it wasn't my intention. I really went to take some fresh air. Then I bumbed to a handsome alpha but he was definitely not more handsome than you. He said his name is Jung hoseok. And I don't know but I swear I have heard that name before. I am sorry that I didn't inform you. " Jimin said pouting and showing his most irresistible puppy eyes to Jungkook which alpha couldn't resist anymore. And the next moment Jungkook has already captured those pouty lips on his own.

"Okay but don't leave my side now." Jungkook said kissing his omega again who nodded like an obedient puppy.

Next day

It was the 1st day of the conference and everyone had already arrived at the meeting hall. Since Jungkook was the CEO of Jeon corporation so his seat was in the front row and Jimin's seat was the back row with other employees of Jeon corporation.

"I can't believe that I have to sit away from you." Jimin said clinging to the alpha's hands.

"If you would've let me inform them about you being my finance then they would have arranged your seat besides me but you refused it so now bear the consequences my peach. " Jungkook said pecking Omega's lips and hurriedly went towards his seat leaving a flustered Omega alone. This was the first time Jungkook has addressed him by nickname other than baby so his cheeks were already on fire but he controlled himself and went towards his own seat.

Soon the conference started and Park Min-sung also arrived. Being the organiser of the whole event he has to give a speech there. Jimin was trying to see Min-sung and was trying hard to connect the dots of the person in front of him and the person in his dreams but since his seat was backside he couldn't see clearly.

When Min-sung started his speech Jimin's head was again showing him those confusing visions which he was sure were his past memories but they were somewhat clear this time. But his head was throbbing in unbearable pain that he has to sit down holding his head.

"Minnie were you both waiting for me to join you for dinner? I already told you I will be late you shouldn't starve yourself like that."

"Come out Minnie. We are going to make a snowman just the way you like it."

"Drink this soup. It's your favourite right. Your mom made you your favourite dish also."

Jimin got those visions again and this time the man in his dream was none other than Min-sung with another lady whom he suppose was his mother but her face wasn't clear yet.

"Mr. Park are you okay?" Jimin's secretary asked him but he just told her not worry since he is having a mild headache due to travelling.

Jimin's headache didn't stopped till Min-sung didn't finish his speech. After the speech Jimin felt like he was sleepy and he slept in the same position he didn't know how much time has passed since he slept. He woke up when Jungkook woke him up.

"I heard from your secretary that you are not feeling well? Are you okay? We missed the chance to meet Min-sung. But don't worry we have another chance to meet him in today's party at night." Jungkook said and then Jimin remembered the reason he slept.

"Alpha I feel like I know Min-sung personally. I am getting weird visions whenever I see him but I don't know if it's truth or just an illusion." Jimin said with frustration.

Meant To Be Together ||Jikook||Where stories live. Discover now