Chapter #30 ✨My Longest Chapter Yet✨

Start from the beginning

Demo: Hey Guys, Do You Wanna See How Strong I Am? 💪😌

Barb: Sure? ...What Are You Going To- 🤨

Demo: *Punches A Brick Wall* 🤜💥🧱

Demo: 🥲

Riff: Uhhhhh, Are You Ok Demo? ☹️

Demo: 🥲

Barb: You Alright Dude? 😐

Demo: .....Please Take Me To The Hospital... 🙃


{Kismet Group Chat 💬}

Trickee: On A Scale Between *I Dropped My Croissants* To *Free Sha Vodca Doo* How Are You Guys Feeling?

Boom: I Think I'm Somewhere Between *Road Work Ahead* And *When Life Gives You Lemons*

Hype: Really? I Feel More Like A *I Don't Need A Degree To Be A Clothing Hanger* How About You Ablaze?

Ablaze: I'm Definitely Feeling *Stop Saying I Look Like Chicken Little. He's Dumb And He's A Coward* But, Then Again... That Could Just Be Because I Haven't Had My Morning Coffee Yet...

Branch: ...

Branch: ...Wut? (O____O)


Hickory: I Died As A Yodeler And Came Back As A Cowboy...

Hickory: I Call It... Reintarnation! 🤠

Holly: ...

Holly: ...You're A Flipping Genius! :o


Bridget: It's Movie Night Grissy! What Do You Want To Watch? 😄🍿

Gristle: Let's Watch Shark Boy And Lava Girl!

Bridget: Good Choice! 👍

Gristle: We Can Cuddle Together During The Scary Scenes. 😏


Bridget: The "Scary" Scenes...

Bridget: ...In "Shark Boy And Lava Girl?" 😐

Gristle: I'm Trying Here Babe! 😭


🚍JD Is Taking His Armadillo Van For A Ride...🚍

Rhonda: *Stomach Growls* :(

JD: What's Wrong Rhonda? 😕 *Checks Her Fuel Tank* Oh! You're On Empty. Let's Go Get You Some Grub. 😄

(John Dory Pulled Into A Burger King Drive Through And Ordered Some Food For Rhonda. 🍔🍟)

Drive Through Lady: *Holds Out The Bag Of Food* Here's Your Whopper And Order Of Fries Sir. 😁

JD: Oh, It's Not For Me. ✋😄

Drive Through Lady: Huh? 🤨

Rhonda: *Grabs The Bag From The Lady And Eats It Whole* MUNCH! 😋

Drive Through Lady: 0_0

JD: We May Need A Hundred More Orders. 😅


Viva: Clay, Have You Seen My Makeup Bag Anywhere? 👛

Clay: Nope. 🤷

Viva: I Wonder If Sunny Is Playing With It. 🤔

(Viva And Clay Went Outside Their Pod To Talk With Sunny)

Viva: Hey Sunny, Have You Seen Mommy's Makeup- 😄

Viva And Clay: 😧!😧!

Sunny: *Is Putting Lipstick On Death Note* 😐💄

Death Note: *Has Makeup On* ✨🐲✨

Clay: Uhhhhhhh... 😐

Viva: Sunny...... What Are You Doing? 😐

Sunny: He Wanted A Makeover! 😄💄

Death Note: GRAAAAW! (Translation: I Am The Most Gorgeous Dragon In The World Peasants!) 🐲💅✨


Floyd: *Listening To Sad Songs On His Headphones While Eating Ice Cream* 🎧

Spruce: *Walks In* Are You Ok? 🙁

Floyd: Yeah, This Is Just Something I Do Every Week...


Lownote Jones: Cool Critter Fact... Did You Know Smaller Creatures Are More Aggressive Than Larger Ones? It's Because They Have Smaller Bodies To Bottle Up All Their Anger With.

Guy Diamond: Really? Can You Give Me Some Examples?

Rhythm: Wasps?

Blues: Chihuahuas?

Tiny Diamond: Smidge?

Incorrect Trolls Quotes 2: ✨The Squeakquel✨Where stories live. Discover now