"I wonder about that. From what my hunters have come across, they have seen her as a soft person. After all, she was raised among humans, the Kiryu clan for quite a few years. They kept her away from the Association, they even lied to us and said that she had escaped them to return to the Kasumioji king. Now I see it was a lie after they were killed. Good riddance. Keeping hidden such a gem."

"We shall see then how things end up. I'll let you know what that woman has in mind." The President assures Ichio. "Now then, how is the revival of Rido Kuran going?" They ask as they become amused.

"It is still too soon. By winter, we should be all set. He will help increase the Council's odds in making sure Alondra Kasumioji benefits us. He will be the key to keeping Kaname-sama from causing us trouble." Ichio frowns, hating that he couldn't control Kaname from a young age after he lost his family. He continues to be a troublesome person for them. Undermining The Council of Elders.

"Very well, everything should be all set come, Winter." Their call ends as they too prepare to be an obstacle in Alondra's search for peace and an alliance.


"Goodnight, Alondra-chan, your break is starting." Yuki looks back as Alondra walks out to the balcony from the classroom window. She smiles and goes to stand beside Yuki.

"Yep, I came to say hello. It's been so busy lately that we haven't gotten to chat at all. I feel like I had more time to do so when I was at the family castle. So, how are you? Have you gotten the courage to ask Kaname about your past?" The girls keep their backs to the windows. No one can read their lips.

Yuki sighs and lowers her gaze, shaking her head. "It's kinda scary for me to do so. I know I have to. Being a clueless child is not what I want. My past is tied to vampires..." Yuki pauses and looks out into the darkness.

"Yuki, I'm going to the Hunters Association to speak to their president. Zero gave me a rundown of the things that they have there. They have a documented archive room of past missions. If vampires were involved in your past, then that would draw in a hunter. I'm sure the Headmaster can also be there to support you." Alondra explains to her. Yuki's brown eyes widen, she hadn't thought of that before.

"Okay! I will do that then! Thanks for the support, Alondra-chan. I will confront my hidden past so I can finally lay my worries to rest." Yuki and Alondra smile at each other. They then just catch up with each other.

"Seriously, when did those two become friends?" Ichiru wonders as he looks out to the two girls. Zero also looks over and is also curious. Especially after all feelings were admitted to and caused Alondra to be nearly taken from him.

"It just means that Alondra has grown and changed a lot. It's not bad that she's opening her world. To make friends beyond us. Let's be honest, there are things Alondra would never talk to us about that she could another girl. I'm fine with it being Yuki." Zero tells him as he meets his identical lilac-gray eyes.

"Careful now, that's what got you into trouble last time" Zero glares at Ichiru.

"I've already made clear to Alondra my feelings for her and where I stand with Yuki." Zero sighs, it still feels like a process sometimes when Ichiru shows his more twisted side. They quiet down as Alondra waves back at Yuki and comes back inside. Yuki also returns the wave.

Alondra goes back to the twins and looks between them. She tilts her head, noting that they're a bit more serious than usual.

"Did you guys say something unpleasant to each other?" Neither one responds and just shake their heads. Alondra sighs, knowing they were lying.

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