"Sure why did you tell her that?"

"I haven't told her I met a new friend yet".


"Come one Ruby he's a guy and he's like almost three years older than me what's the worst that could happen?" I eyed her seriously. "Actually he's two and a half years older than you but okay".

"Thanks Ruby your the best!" I shouted while rushing out the door. "What was that about?" Toby asked me. "Oh just boring girl talk you wouldn't be interested in".

"Haha okay so about this water fall let's start near Think Rock".

"Sure". I said as we took off for Think Rock. "So your brother and my best friend eh".

"I know but it's not as simple as it looks".

"What's that suppose to mean?"

"What oh well you see my brother only gets to live her if he behaves him self and for my brother that's kinda hard to do so sometimes he doesn't see her for a while. Long distance relationships and all".

"Oh right yeh, tell me about it". We walked the rest of the way in comfortable silence. It didn't take long before we reached Think Rock.

I watched as Toby boosted him self up on to it. "Want a hand?"

"No thanks". I said as I tried to clime up. I put my foot in a delve in the side of the rock and pushed up with the other foot, but my foot slip. "Whoa there". Toby reach out and grabbed my hand. "Careful it's slippy from the dew". He said as he pulled me up. "Thanks". I said between breaths. I looked up a him from under my hair that had covered my face. He was smiling at me. I blushed a little with embarrassment as he parted my hair out of my face. "Come on let's find this water fall". He steeped down slowly from the rock and held out his hand. This time I was wiser and took it. "Thanks". I said for like the millionth time. He lead me to a tree and looked up at it. "This one will do".

"What do you mean?" He never answered me but I got it when he started climbing. "Hey be carful!" I shouted but then I realised how stupid I sounded seen as I was the clumsy one. I started to follow him up the tree. He looked down probably thinking I was still on the ground, because when he seen me a look of worry flashed across his face. By the time I had gotten past him I was covered in leaves and my legs where chilly from the dew. "What are you doing you could fall". He said a bit exasperated. "So could you". I pointed out. He shook his head and nodded for me to keep going. So I began to clime some more and he followed. I put my foot out to step on a branch. "Stop!" Toby yelled but it was too late. The branch snap, I screamed and I was left dangling from the tree. Toby grabbed hold of my waist which sent sparks up my spine. "Told you that you would fall".

"It's not funny Toby, just help me".

"I'm not laughing". I heard him say between sniggers. He pushed me up so that my feet where on a safer branch. "I think this is high enough". He said has he parted the leaves of the tree to look out over the land. "Whoa". I said in amazement. Toby smiled as we both took in the great view. "Look there it is". I said letting go with on hand and pointing at it. "Come one, I know how to get there now". We started the descent back down.

What we finally reach the bottom more leaves and twigs had got stuck in my hair. Toby looked at me and laughed. "What is it? Why are you laughing at me?" I said in a frustrated voice. I took out my phone and slid up the camera. My hair looked a mess because of all the leaves and twigs that had gotten stuck in it. I tried getting them out but it was no use with out both hands. "Her let me help you". Toby stepped up to me and started picking the bits out of my hair. He kept looking down at me and I tried to avert my eyes from his. "All done". He said in a quite voice. "Come on let's just go find this water fall". He started to walk of in one direction so I followed him.

Emma EnchantedМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя