Chapter 4: The Betrayal

Start from the beginning

"Hey, man!" Leia said.

"Hey, you doing okay?"

"Yeah I'm okay, just got Otto or Peter on my mind, it's really sad. The fact that could've happened to me is scary." She responded.

"I mean, that's reasonable, I'm sure Justin would've done the same thing in his shoes," Hobie said.

I agreed with Hobie.

"Just know we're here for you if you ever need to talk," Hobie said. She gave both of us a hug, but Hobie a kiss on the cheek.

"Okay, also I gotta ask, what is going on with you two?" I asked.

"What do you mean? We're just-" Leia started to say but Hobie interrupted her.

"We're together, like boyfriend and girlfriend," Hobie said.

"Awww that's cute, two rockstars together," I said. It seriously was cute, they make a great couple!

I needed to swing back to the apartment to get ready. I swung in, got ready, and headed out.

By the time I got there I felt nervous, I know it's technically a little hangout between friends but it's still a date and I was nervous.

30 minutes go by and I swung over to a little cafe not too far from Central Park.

I saw her, greeted her, and sat down. She was wearing a black headband, a black shirt, a green jacket, and purple pants.

"So uhh, how have you been?" She asked.

"I'm good, just living life I suppose," I said awkwardly.

This was incredibly awkward I had to think of something.

"Look I'm sorry if this is awkward, I'm just incredibly nervous," Gwen said. Oh, thank god I'm not the only one who thinks that!

"Yeah, same here."

"So do you work right now or...?" She asked.

"I'm an intern at Avengers Tower, Tony Stark is my mentor."

"Really? Sounds better than my internship."

"What do you do?"

"I'm an intern at ESU"

"Hey, that's where my best friend goes!"

"Who are they? I may know them!"

"Andy Mason, she's working on her degree in mechanics"

"Ooh cool! I'm trying to be a detective."

"I want to be either a chemist or a physics major"

"Both seem interesting."

We both decided to walk around Central Park to get some fresh air.

"So why a detective? If you don't mind me asking."

"Well my dad works at the PD and I wanted to be a detective since I was a teenager, so it seems like the best route." She said.

I thought it was pretty cool, she was pretty cool.

"So your "friend" that gave you my info, do I know them?"

"I mean, you see him, but you don't know who he is exactly if that makes sense. He's an amazing guy, it sounds childish if I say I have a crush on him even though I don't know what he looks like but he's saved my life twice at least."

Ohhh... this took a turn.

"By 'him' you mean Spidey?"

"Yeah, I know that's childish but he's just, truly amazing."

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