Chapter 4 - Final Selection

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Author:"Welcome everyone to another chapter of Demon Slayer (OC) insert and I hope you guys are having a great day today as always, now lets get the reading started everyone!!!"
Tanjiro and Tai are still shocked at what they did, as they stare at the boulders. They then heard, Urokodaki walking towards them, so they looked at him as he stand between them.


Urokodaki:"To be honest, I never had any intention sending you both to the Final Selection. Because I didn't want to see any more children die. I was sure you both wouldn't be able to cut these boulders, but..."

He then pet their heads.

Urokodaki:"Well done, Tanjiro! And you to Tai! Truly remarkable. I'm very proud."

They start to cry as Urokodaki bring them into a hug.

Urokodaki:"Make sure you two come back from the Final Selection alive.*Tai and Tanjiro hug back*your sister, friend and I will be waiting for you both."

Back at Urokodaki's home he was cooking some food as Tai and Tanjiro sit around the pot, amazed.

Tanjiro:"There some food. What's the deal?"


Urokodaki:"You both finished your training, so we're celebrating. Time to eat. Don't be shy."

Urokodaki poor out some food into two bowls and give it to Tanjiro and Tai as they take it.

Tanjiro:"Thank you, I'm starving."

Tai:"Thanks, Urokodaki."

They both start to eat happily while Urokodaki was watching them.

Urokodaki (mind):"Tanjiro, Tai I'm afraid I can't do any more for you two. After, today you'll face unmanageable hardships. Your training pales in comparison. At least for tonight, you both can rest well. And sleep soundly one last time."

When their done they give their bowls to him to have to have some more. Later on after their done eating, Tanjiro and Tai are cutting their hair on a piece of cloth. While Urokodaki is getting two hairo's ready as he folds them.

Urokodaki:"Hey, Tanjiro, Tai."

Tanjiro and Tai:"*looks at him*Yes?"

Urokodaki:"What you think of the Hot Pot?"

Tai:"Great, I didn't have that for a long time."


Urokodaki:"Growing boy's with a petite like your's well grow longer and stronger. Bigger his meals are. Same applies to the the demons. Remember that; The more humans a demon has eaten the more powerful he'll be."

Tanjiro:"So they eat a lot, their be tougher to defeat?"

Urokodaki:"*gets up*That's right, they get stronger, fiscal traits change, and some learn to use strange spells."

Tanjiro then looks at Tai which he noticed.

Tanjiro:"Do you know any spells?"

Tai:"I don't know. I haven't tried it out, maybe I'm a half demon... But, if I can, it will be a big help facing the demons."

Urokodaki open closet to reveal two tangu masks and pick them up as he looked back at them.

Urokodaki:"You'll be able to tell how many poor souls they claimed. When your sense of smell is more develop. And you can sense it too, Tai."

He went to them and hand them the masks, as they grab them.

Tanjiro:"What's this?"

Urokodaki:"It's called a "warding mask". It's been enchanted by a protecting spell, to keep you from harm."

Demon Slayer: KIMETSU No YAIBA; Season 1(OC) insert Where stories live. Discover now