I just got shouted at by an omega and I ran.

He's an omega? I recall him introducing himself as an omega. 

He can't be! 

It... it...

My earlier anger subsided as I became confused as to why someone with that sort of power in their voice, someone as strong as that boy I had just met... Could be an Omega... The chew toy of a pack! Omega's were very rare nowadays, because it was just downright cruel!  Lowering someone's rank just because they aren't strong enough.

Once again anger consumed me. But this time it wasn't because of how I was changing, but it was because of HIM being an omega. Who would do such a thing to him!? My fists clenching.

Why was HE made the omega!? 

By the looks of it he could have been an excellent pack fighter... Omega's, the very few that there are, are extremely submissive, weak, small in size, human and wolf. But the boy I met didn't fit the category.

So why?

I sat there for a few more hours just thinking, trying to straighten out all these questions I had in my head. But to no avail as my mind was still not sure of what was going on. After a while my stomach growled reminding me that I had missed breakfast AND lunch. I stood up noticing that it was beginning to get darker and started navigating my way towards the pack house where I hoped food would be waiting. This made me walk faster as I didn't want to go hungry again if I missed another meal today. 

I wanted to forget the events of today, especially the one where I found a boy behind a waterfall. But I knew that that was near impossible and I still had a few hours ahead of me before I could remotely forget anything at all.

As I neared the pack gate I was fully aware of the loud booming chatter coming from the inside as people got ready for dinner. The smell of delicious food made my stomach growl.

I couldn't help but wonder if the Omega would be there. I cursed at myself shaking my head. I shoudn't call him an Omega... But what CAN I call him? I can't keep calling him the boy. And he clearly dosen't want me to know his name, as I thought this I remembered him shouting at me, making my head spin. 

Why does he have such an effect on me?

My stomach growled bringing me back to reality. I let out a chuckle as I entered the pack house and followed the voices to a very big room with a very big table filled with a lot of people.

The room was gold and black with beautiful paintings hanging off of the walls. There were huge windows that allowed you to see an astonishing view of the darkening forest. Surrounding the windows were thick red velvet curtains that seemed to shine from the light of the two chandeliers handing off of the ceiling. In the room were 3 main tables in straight lines each holding about twenty people all filled to the brim with either children messing with their food, mates whispering to each other and people talking amongst themselves.  

At the end of the room was another table horizontal to the tables which held the Alpha, his Luna, the beta, his wife and son with another chair next to the Luna which was currently unoccupied. I'm guessing that's for the Alpha's son. 

As people finally took notice of the pixie haired girl with striking blue eyes, everyone became quite. 

My hands raised to my head as it always did when I was the centre of attention. But my face stayed emotionless as I wanted it to.

The first time meeting my pack and a silence hung in the air. I can't say it was awkward but it wasen't pleasant either.

I scanned the rows of curious faces recognising the creepy guy, the beta's son and the head of the pack, The Alpha and Luna. They all held smiles to their face except the creepy guy... Who was looking at me all ..Creepy... 

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