you lose your memory *after being kidnapped*

Start from the beginning

It's been a while since Draco snuck back into the infirmary, Madam Pomfrey already went to bed. He pulls out a chair to sit by your side and watches your motionless face for a while. It feels almost unbearable, seeing you this way. He always thought you were the strong one out of you two. Secretly, he wishes it was him on this bed instead. "Y/n, if you hear me, please wake up. I need you.", he whispers with tears in his eyes. "Please come back to me. Please." His whispers turn into sobs. Burying his face in your hand, he doesn't notice you slowly blinking your eyes. You start to cough, when his eyes shoot up. "Y/n?"

Draco watches breathlessly as you open your eyes. "Y/n, can you hear me?", he asks cautiously, holding your hand like a fragile flower. You groan and squint your eyes. "My head... it's hurting...", you croak with a hoarse voice. Draco softly brushes his fingertips over your forehead and closes his eyes for a second. "I'm so happy you're awake. I was so scared for you." Tears run down his cheek but you barely notice, still seeing blurry. "I don't know, what are you..." Draco shushes you: "I'll go get Madam Pomfrey, darling. She'll give you something against the pain, alright?" As he stands up, his chair makes a creaking sound. You hold your ears. "Ouch." He looks at you apologetically. "I'm sorry. I'll be right back, yeah?" You nod. "Okay, thank you, erm..." Draco is already heading out, when you call: "Wait, what was your name again?" He stops in his tracks, not being able to turn around. His face takes on a stern expression. "It's Draco. Draco Malfoy?" You look at him confused. "Have we... have we met before, Draco?" His stomach drops.

"You don't... you don't remember me?", he croaks. You stare at his face and shake your head. "I- no, I'm sorry. Where... where am I?" He starts to get angry, praying that this is all just a bad joke. "Y/n, are you kidding right now? This is not funny." The second you look at him with scared eyes, he realizes you really mean it. You never looked at him this way before. This can't be real, he thinks desperately. "What's the last thing you remember?", he asks quietly. You close your eyes, grimacing. "That's the thing, I can't... my head... it's spinning, I can't..." Draco's heart feels like it stops beating. "I'll go get you a healer. Don't move, she'll be right here.", he murmurs. 

As he walks out, he loosens his tie, feeling like he's about to hyperventilate. You call after him, but he doesn't respond. The second he closes the door of the infirmary behind him, he sinks down on the floor, completely breaking down. Trying to muffle his sobs with one hand, the other one clutches his chest ferociously. What am I even trying for, if not for her?, he thinks in despair. Experiencing his first full blown pan!c attack, the only person who's able to calm him down is in the room behind him. So close... and yet completely out of reach.

✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦

Mattheo Riddle

Mattheo sits on a wooden chair by your bed at the infirmary. It's pouring outside. Every once in a while, he gazes out the window to watch the rain. He keeps fiddling around with the wand in his hands which he hasn't put down since you got back to Hogwarts. He wanted to feel ready to fight at any time, the person who did this to you was still out there after all. Even though he wasn't the one who hurt you, he still feels like he failed you. If only I had protected you better, you would have never been taken away, let alone hurt, he thinks desperately and softly touches your cheek. "You're gonna get healthy again, Y/n, you hear me?", he whispers with a broken voice. His chin starts trembling. "You just have to." He wipes his eyes, thankful that you're the only two people in the room. After Madam Pomfrey went to bed, Mattheo snuck back into the infirmary to stay with you. He takes your hand and places a kiss on it. "Come back to me now, would you?", he murmurs. After several minutes, you start coughing and he looks at you concerned."Y/n?"

"Y/n, can you hear me?", he asks again. You slowly bat your eyes open and scan the room around you. Mattheo closes his eyes in relief. "Thank Merlin...", he whispers, as relief floods through him. He kisses your hand again. "How are you feeling, love? How's your head?" You blink at him slowly, still trying to process everything. "I... who... where am I?", you ask irritated. "You're at the infirmary. We brought you back to Hogwarts, darling. You're home." Mattheo tries to calm you down with a smile. "You're gonna be okay, love. I'm here." Your breathing quickens. Suddenly, you feel his hand holding yours and pull away. He furrows his brows. "Is there anything I can do?", he asks concerned. Your head is hurting like hell and you're trying to put one and two together. You stare at him. "Who... who are you?" The corners of his mouth fall down. "I..." He looks at you, trying to figure out if you're joking. "It's Mattheo, love. Matt." His chuckle comes out forced. You tilt your head slightly. "I'm sorry, I-" Mattheo's heart grows cold, as he scans your facial expression. You whisper: "I don't know you..."

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