"That's no issue. In fact we encourage our artists to come up with their own masterpieces. We provide them with full support and all essentials".

"What about the distribution of profits from sales and tours". Ryan asks.

"The profit distribution percentage is 50-50. Our profits also come from stock market and other investments. You don't have to worry about monetary incentives. We provide all necessities".

"But how did you know about us? I mean....we're not that popular to be scouted by a world class talent agency?" Ryan asks.

Then the principal speaks, "oh you two didn't know? Your performance has been all over the internet. You both have garnered a huge following as well. In fact, even people from the business world have been praising your performance". He smiles at them.

Ryan's heart was racing. No, this can't be. Surely his parents must've have seen it then. They will never allow him to pursue a career in arts and this will ruin everything.

"I-I need time. I-I...I'm sorry". He says and rushes out of the office.

The principal had a worried look on his face. He signaled Ash to go and follow the boy.


Ryan was crying. He so badly wanted to say yes to the offer but his hands were chained and mouth sealed shut. He could never do this in this lifetime.

Curled up in his blanket, he sobbed loudly, cursing his bad luck. But that's not even the worst case. He's starting to like boys and if this news reaches them, he's gonna die.

He didn't even realize the dorm door opening and someone entering the room and sitting on his bed, next to him.

"Sugar....please look at me". Ash desperately calls out to him. But all he could do was let out a painful sob.

He felt a hand caress the blanket which he covered himself from head to toe. The touch felt so comforting, almost as if it was bringing him back to life.

He slowly brings himself out of the blanket, face all flushed and red with swollen eyes and lips. Hair completely messed up and tears rolling down his cheek.

Ash slowly brought his hand to his cheek and he felt Ryan nuzzling into his palm, feeling his tears drench his hand. He didn't think twice before bringing the boy close to him, wrapping his arms around his weak frame, protecting him from all harm.

"A-Ash...I-I f-feel t-trapped...i-it's so dark...everything is so dark....i-i'm s-so scared". He sobs against his chest. Every single word was stabbing Ash's heart.

He understood the torment this boy had to go through because of all the brainwashing. His innocent mind was functioned to hate individuals different from those who are considered "normal". And now that he is seeing everything clear for the first time and probably experiencing this freedom for the first time, it shocked him.

"Shhh, I made a promise didn't I? I'm always here for you even if the world is against us. I won't let anyone harm you hmm? You're safe in my arms".

Ryan looks up at the tall boy and feels safe.

So safe and so....loved.


Two weeks passed since that day. Ash gave his contact to the agency guys, telling them that Ryan would need some more time for his answer but he can fill the gap for the time being with the condition that Ryan and he be made partners in it.

Of course they agreed since they emitted good chemistry with each other.

The weather was really pleasant, birds chirping, not much sunlight was there since it was already winter but the coziness of their woollen sweaters was comforting them. The atmosphere was perfect.

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