Chapter 12

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A few weeks later

"Apparently Max and Scarlet Anderson are this year's chief guests for the annual celebration of this college. Can you believe such high profile celebrities are gonna inaugurate our academy?!"

All these whispers and talks were going throughout the college which made Ryan feel uneasy and scared. He still doesn't know how his parents have absolutely no idea about the reality of this place?

He was lost in his thoughts when Michelle suddenly broke the ice. "We gotta arrange the venue and decorations for the annual celebration. Any ideas?"

"Who the fuck is gonna arrange shit for those two". Liam lowly whispers to himself, which thankfully Ryan didn't hear.

"Umm since they're celebrities in the business world, we should keep the theme something similar to that. give it a vibe as if they're in a business party". Emma suggests.

Ash was grumpy the entire discussion. He wasn't the slightest bit interested in arranging a party for those two people who destroyed his life. Never.

Ryan could feel his roommate bubbling with anger and hatred. He gets it that his parents are the most homophobic people in the entire world, but why is he seething with anger to this extent? He can simply ignore their existence right?

Michelle sensed Ash's anger and excused herself and dragged Ash to a corner, away from the group.

"Ash for fuck sake, keep it down. You cannot let your emotions get the best of you".

"You expect me to sit calm when-
"Yes, for the matter of fact I expect you be calm. Think about Ryan at least? For his sake be calm".

Ash controlled his growing rage the moment she took Ryan's name. He pictured his smiley face in front of him and it calmed him down.

"I can feel it Ash. We're so close to our revenge. You just need to focus okay?" She encourages him. "Plus this celebration is next month, we have ample time for everything".

They were just discussing few things when Ryan appeared in front of them. "Umm the principal has called you and me". He calls out to Ash who furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

Nevertheless he nods and the two walk towards the principal's office. Ash knocks on the door and hears a come in.

They enter and see the principal along with a man and a woman. They were talking to the principal.

"Sir you called us both?" Ryan calls out. The principal looks at them with a smile, "Ah yes! Here they are, the pride of our academy". He points out to the two boys.

The man and the woman get up and greet the two boys, "it's a pleasure to meet you two. We saw your performance and it literally brought us to tears". The woman complimented, making Ryan blush and Ash smile softly at them.

"Thank you so much for the appreciation. We really worked hard on it". Ryan softy appreciates their compliments.

"Actually, we came here to you two with an offer". The man says.

"We're from SkyLight Talent Entertainment. We scout talent from various educational institutions, particularly in the music and dance field. We have opportunities for even filming and direction. You both are the perfect talents we're looking for. Would you be interested in joining our agency?" He says.

Ryan was shaking on the inside. The world famous talent entertainment which has represented some of the world's most prominent and influential artists, are here scouting Ash and Ryan?!

"But we don't want to be completely under the authority of the agency. I mean, we want independence for our projects and whatever we come up with". Ash explains.

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