Chapter 3: What If I Said I Saw You In Our Dreams?

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A/N: I noticed that these are starting to form a story, kind of. I did not plan for this. 

Original AO3 A/N: Second falls asleep, and meets a certain someone in her dreams. Not Victim this time, though! (I keep switching Second's pronouns lol, I can't figure out which ones fit the best. Also, whenever I change Second's pronouns, I also change Dark's, so Dark is a she today.)

Second knew that this was a dream from the moment she saw her arch-nemesis. It had to be, otherwise, she would be dead by now.

Still, she pinched herself.

Just in case.

It didn't hurt.


She looked at the red hollowhead standing before her. "And what do you want? Are you just another figment of my imagination, or are you here to torment me endlessly with what you did to my friends?"

The red stick looked slightly concerned. "Why would I do that? I may be evil, a murderer, and a horrible person in general, but even I wouldn't stoop that low."

"..." Second considered that for a moment. "I mean, that's doubtful, but okay." She paused, then continued. "So, if you're not here to plague my dreams with memories of my friends dying in front of me and me being completely powerless to-What?"

The red stick had nearly choked when she heard Second say 'powerless'. "P-powerless? You're kidding me, right? You're literally the reason I'm comatose right now!"

Second's face scrunched up, the confusion evident. "...Uh. Two very big problems with that statement. One, you are talking to me right now, which means you're not comatose, and two, I just disproved the part where you said that I'm the reason you're comatose. And by the way, I don't think we've introduced ourselves yet, since last time you were too busy annihilating my friends."

Dark whistled, long and low. "Whew...I did not expect you to be this dumb." Second looked affronted. "O-kay. Here's the thing. This is a dream, right? So I'm either also asleep or I'm a ghost, I still can't figure out which one. Thus, I am definitely comatose. Plus I can see my body just...laying a hole in the ground...Ugh, my ego has really taken some hits today. Also, the name's The Dark Lord, but you can call me Dark, I guess."

Second smirked. "You do realize you just admitted that your ego got demolished after that other guy basically curbstomped you or whatever? And my name's The Second Coming, but you can call me Second."

"Other guy? You mean Cho-The Chosen One? ...Do...Do you actually not remember what happened, because that is the only explanation I can think of for why you aren't bragging about lazer-beaming me into the ground and then resurrecting your friends, or are you just playing dumb?"

Second's jaw dropped. It took her a second to compose herself enough to be able to reply. "Me-what-WHAT??"

"Well..." Dark stretched the word out for an inordinately long amount of time. "Second dear, I am afraid that you are missing some portion of your memories of that fateful day on which you probably murdered me."

Second shuddered at the sound of her name coming out of that villain's mouth. "Ugh, stop being so dramatic and tell me what happened. ...Not that I'll believe you, of course. Nothing that you say can be trusted," She quickly added.

"Very well." Dark inhaled dramatically, preparing for the world-shattering explanation. "After I casually murdered your friends for mostly no reason, I stabbed you with the weapon used for aforementioned murdering. Unfortunately, things were already not going as planned, so Murphy's Law (see end note) kicked in with full strength, as I attempted murder several more times, and you did not die several. MORE. TIMES." Dark paused, breathing heavily. "...Anyway. That annoyed me further, so I threw you into a cliff, creating a hole, and stabbed you again for good measure, figuring that at this point, you would probably not interfere anymore. Ah, how wrong I was.

"For as I was gloriously bringing my Virus Spider 'Bot children into the world to assist me in my amazing world takeover, I was assailed by...YOU! But you were really overpowered, and-and glowing GREEN and stuff, and eventually you lazer-beamed me into a mountain. I guess it was revenge for me punching you into that cliff..."

The look on Second's face was the epitome of confusion. "...what-" She could not manage more than that, because holy Cursor, this sounded like something out of one of those anime shows. There was no way this actually happened...right?

Dark raised a hand, looking as if she was going to say something, then paused as the world began to fade away. "Huh, looks like you're waking up. See ya soon, hopefully! Or maybe not, because if I see you, it means I'm still comatose...or dead, whatever..."

The rest of Dark's sentence faded out as Second's vision turned foggy, the dream--or was it a dream?-- slowly fading away.

Second opened her eyes to see light filtering through the curtains. It was a new day. She stood up, stretched, and swept the curtains open, as she thought about the dream that she could recall with perfect accuracy. There was no way what The Dark Lord had said was true...was there?

A/N: omg I forgot how funny I am. 

AO3 A/N: oh my god writing this felt like it was a scene from mean girls kill me now

I'm about to die laughing anyway
*Murphy's Law: Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong.

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